November 2023 Minutes
MINUTES OF SWINDERBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 13th November 2023 held at Swinderby Village Hall
Present: Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs N Marris, S Longson, J Gagg and G Beales.
Clerk: S Aikman
Also in attendance: Cllr Alan Briggs (LCC) and Cllr P Overton (NKDC). 3 members of the public. Cllr Mitch Elliott (NKDC) had sent his apologies.
Public Forum
Residents gave details of the recent flooding when water from the foul drains entered their home. The response to LCC for sandbags was not until 11.30pm. They were not able to get a response from Severn Trent. Storm drains were cleared out a few days ago and flow of water had been restored on one side of the road. Residents suggested that non-return valves could be fitted to properties. Tankers had been in the village since 21st October.
It was reported that the pumps had stopped working again at Moor Lane. Blockages were found in the surface water drains and ditches. Work to clear the storm drains was an open case that was scheduled for June 2023 but had not been undertaken.
Cllr Overton stated that:
- Severn Trent were responsible for sewerage and needed to come up with a solution. Cllr Overton would send information of funding available following the floods to the Clerk.
- There would be a Greater Lincolnshire Mayor in a couple of years.
Cllr Briggs reported that:
- 2 streetlights were being repaired the next day.
- he would try to follow up on the open case for clearing the storm drains.
- a rocking kerb had been repaired.
1. To receive any apologies for absence.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Cllr. R Hodgson
To receive any declarations of interest
In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Following a vote it was resolved to take item 8 at this point to enable items detailed during the public forum to be considered.
8. To consider a response at parish level to local emergencies, including flooding, that do not meet the criteria for intervention by Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (Blue Light Services).
It was noted that Lincolnshire Resilience Forum would only respond if life was endangered.
Following a discussion it was unanimously resolved to:
Formally complain to Severn Trent, copied to LCC, including the lack of response following a letter sent in April 2022. The complaint should state how we want the situation to be resolve
- Non-return valves should be fitted properties at risk of flooding
- The pumping station is not fit for purpose and should be constantly running. Request information on the age of the pumping station and when it was last maintained.
- drains are not working so surface water is a real problem. LCC and Severn Trent need to work together.
- Severn Trent CEO should be invited to a Parish Council meeting.
- Severn Trent have not objected to the development of 132 additional house. How are they going to ensure the drains can cope.
ACTION: Cllr Lloyd.
Cllr Briggs would inform the Clerk of the most appropriate officer at LCC for a copy of the complaint to be sent to.
Sandbags would be obtained to help residents in the future. It should be clear that these are for emergency use and that the Parish Council can not guarantee that there will be enough for everyone. Residents should also consider their own emergency plans. The community should be asked for volunteers to help in emergencies.
ACTION: Cllr Lloyd and Clerk
2. To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 9th October 2023, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 9th October 2023 were an accurate record of the meeting.
Progress reported on matters discussed:
Tree name signs were still to be installed.
ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Longson
Remembrance Day went well with poppy displays well received and the service well attended. Further streetlamp poppies could be considered for future years.
ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
3. Finance
a. To formally note Items of Income
Income |
Total |
Grass cutting contribution |
£346.58 |
Litter picking contribution |
£174.00 |
b. To formally approve items of expenditure
Payee |
Details |
Net |
Total |
Ron Hodgson |
SID delivery charge |
£ 15.20 |
nil |
£15.20 |
Glendale |
Grass cutting |
£176.43 |
£ 35.29 |
£211.72 |
Swinderby Village Hall |
Meeting room hire |
£18.00 |
nil |
£18.00 |
G Lloyd |
Donation RBL Poppy wreath |
£ 40.00 |
nil |
£40.00 |
D E Laird |
Composting toilet |
£900.00 |
£180.00 |
£1,080.00 |
ADM Pest & Hygiene |
Mole control |
£800.00 |
nil |
£800.00 |
S Aikman |
Expenses |
£138.56 |
nil |
£138.56 |
Espo |
Stationery |
£ 59.50 |
£11.90 |
£71.40 |
S Longson |
Kerb ramps for mower |
£ 44.99 |
nil |
£44.99 |
G Lloyd |
Storage items |
£ 73.98 |
nil |
£73.98 |
Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously.
c. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.
d. To review spend against budget.
e. To consider use of CiL funding received during 2022/23
The Clerk confirmed that the CiL funding could be used towards the storage container and the accounts would be amended to show this. The item would need reporting towards the end of 2024.
f. To consider grass cutting quotes for 2024
Only 2 quotes had been received. It was decided to contact a further contractor for a quote and all quotes would be considered at the meeting in January.
ACTION: Clerk and Cllrs Marris and Lloyd.
g. To consider the draft budget for 2024/25
The draft budget was discussed and a final budget would be agreed at the January meeting to enable the 2024/25 precept to be set. Councillors would review the budget prior to discussion at the next meeting.
4. Planning
a) Received
None |
b) Applications Decided
23/1079 |
Replacement garage |
51 High Street |
Approved |
23/1078/CCC |
Install Solar PV Array for infrastructure operation of Quarry |
Swinderby Quarry Camp Road |
Approved |
5. To consider any updates on the draft S106 agreement for the Produce World site.
The S106 agreement was now on the 10th draft. The Village Green had been added. Biodiversity net gain was to include trees planted on the development. A timeline was needed for works to the Village Hall. The School and Church contribution was not within the S106. A resolution would be considered, at a later stage, for funding for both from the Parish Council if the Education Department did not give funding to the village school. It was resolved that once the final draft has been received it will be circulated and all councillors to check prior to the signing of the document if there are no concerns.
6. To consider issues arising from A46 closures and increased traffic, including HGVs, through the village.
It was reported that weight and speed limits were not being adhered to. Cllr Longson was in communication with Severn Trent with regards to their drivers not complying with the necessary routes for weight limit restrictions. Cllrs to consider other possible ways of encouraging drivers to slow down, for example lit signs.
7. To consider a response at parish level to local emergencies, including flooding, that do not meet the criteria for intervention by Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (Blue Light Services).
Item already discussed.
8. To develop the container to enable the safe and tidy storage of all parish council equipment.
Cllr Longson had donated some shelving units for the container. All litter picking equipment had been moved to the container and the mower would be moved now that suitable ramps had been purchased.
There were some scratches on the exterior paint of the container. Cllr Marris would look at getting colour matched paint.
ACTION: Cllr Marris
9. To arrange trimming the trees opposite the Village Hall.
Cllrs Lloyd and Longson would trim the trees.
ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Longson
10. To confirm the details of the contract for pest control.
A pest controller had been hired to deal with the moles on the play area and playing field.
11. To consider ideas for the triangular island in the village.
Item deferred.
12. To consider quotes for the 2024 grass cutting contract including a schedule for cutting the games area on the Playing Field.
Item already discussed.
13. To report any updates on the conversion of the speed indicator devices to solar power.
The Clerk was in communication with the supplier regarding payments and return of the speed indicator devices.
14. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Carter reported that the Draft Design Code, with photos, had been received for the Neighbourhood Plan. This would be reviewed at a meeting this week and be incorporated into the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, which was likely to be produced in the New Year.
Cllr Longson reported that Cllr Overton had donated trees to the village for planting. A final grass cut would be done at the orchard later this week. The Christmas tree was still to be purchased.
Cllr Gagg suggested that the planned large Solar Farm should be added to a future meeting and a leaflet produced for residents.
There was a very good attendance at the joint school/Parish Council Remembrance Service
15. Correspondence
To note correspondence received.
Date |
Received From |
Description |
Notes |
10.10.2023 |
Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire |
Request for funding |
17.10.2023 |
Leader for the Day: a Local Democracy Week initiative |
18.10.2023 |
Police and Crime Commissioner |
NSK Policing Priority Setting Feedback Form - Due 04.12.23 |
23.10.2023 |
Resident |
Flooding |
23.10.2023 |
Fosse Green Energy |
Close of public consultation (11 September to 20 October 2023) |
24.10.2023 |
LRF are holding a Community Emergency planning and Ready for Anything Volunteer |
27.10.2023 |
Notification of School Admission Policy Consultations 2025/26 |
02.11.2023 |
NewsNK events info request to Parishes |
03.11.2023 |
Lincolnshire Police |
Invite to the upcoming Parish Council Engagement Session for your district 7.12.2023 |
03.11.2023 |
Failed tree opposite Kismet school, High Street |
07.11.2023 |
Peter Sowerby Homes |
Village Hall agreement |
07.11.2023 |
2023-24 Pay Award - NJC pay scales |
08.11.2023 |
Public consultation - NKDC Polling District and Polling Place Review 2023 |
16. Date of next meeting
Swinderby Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 15th January 2024.
17. Following a vote the meeting moved into closed session to discuss the Clerk’s annual review.
The Clerk and members of the public left the meeting.
Meeting closed at 9:45 pm