April 2024 Agenda
Swinderby Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
AGENDA 15th April 2024
A Parish Council meeting will be held at Swinderby Village Hall on Monday 15th April 2024 commencing at 7.30 pm.
The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the attached agenda.
The meeting is open to the public and there will be a 15-minute public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda.
Sue Aikman
Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer
10th April 2024
Public Forum
1. To receive any apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest
In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. To consider any applications for Co-option to the Parish Council
4. To receive and approve:
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting 11th March 2024, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
5. Finance
a) To formally note items of income.
b) To consider the quote for lawnmower insurance.
c) To consider the quote for tree works.
d) To consider the quote for LALC membership.
e) To consider a request from a resident to cover costs for a land registry information search.
f) To formally approve items of expenditure.
g) Bank reconciliation for the year to date to be approved.
h) To review spend against budget.
i) To consider arranging for LALC to undertake an internal audit.
6. Planning and Tree works
a) Applications Received
24/0339/FUL |
Change of use of domestic garden land to business use for boarding kennels |
Meardsall Cottage Meardsall Lane Swinderby |
24/0344/PAR |
Change of use of agricultural shed to a 'Class B8' (storage & distribution) & Class E(g)(iii) Use (Industrial processes which can be carried out in a residential area without detriment to its amenity) |
Eagle Hall Estates Swinderby Road Swinderby |
24/0356/FUL |
Demolition and replacement of part of rear boundary wall |
The Old Vicarage 61 High Street Swinderby |
b) Applications Decided
None |
7. To receive any updates on the land registry for the Village Hall and follow up as necessary.
8. To receive any updates on the proposed Solar Park.
9. To receive any updates from pest control.
10. To consider plans for the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting on 20th May 2024.
11. To report on any updates to the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.
12. To discuss plans for the Summer Fete.
13. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings. No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
14. Correspondence
To note correspondence received.
15. Date of next meeting
Annual Parish meeting 7.30pm Monday 20th May 2024
Annual Parish Council meeting 8pm Monday 20th May 2024