December 2024 Minutes
held on 2nd December 2024
Held at Swinderby Village Hall
Present: Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson, J Gagg, N Marris and A Haig.
Clerk: S Aikman
Also in attendance: Cllr A Briggs (LCC), Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 1 member of the public
Public Forum
Cllr M Elliott (NKDC) had sent his apologies.
Cllr Briggs would follow up for a response from Caroline Johnson regarding Swinderby Station. Cllr Lloyd would wite to Network Rail again. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
Cllr P Overton had spoken to Caroline Johnson regarding the proposed solar farm. A full NKDC meeting was to be held, 5pm on Thursday 12th December. Cllr Overton stated that it was time to stop lobbying Fosse Green and to push on the political side. It was expected that there would be a strong case made against the proposals.
There would be more information about the Greater Lincolnshire combined Mayoral authority in January.
1. To receive any apologies for absence.
2. To receive any declarations of interest
In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 11th November 2024, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 11th November 2024 were an accurate record of the meeting.
Progress reported on matters discussed:
- The draft revised Emergency Plan should be reviewed by all as soon as possible so that it could be added to the website and sent out in the LinkUp. ACTION: ALL
- Cllr Marris had purchased the pole for the planned Speed Indicator Device near the new development. Cllr Lloyd would discuss installation of the pole with the developer. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
- The Lawnmower was being repaired and serviced at a cost of £1,056.01 including VAT.
- The goal posts had been ordered. The contractor had reported that it would take 2 days to install the goal posts and to replace the safety matting.
- NKDC and LCC had been asked regarding blocked drains near the new development. Cllr Longson would email Cllr Briggs with a map of offending drains and continue to use Fix My Street regarding the flooding and the impact on nearby housing. ACTION: Cllr Longson.
- The Village Hall carpark and School were still a matter for further discussion with the developer.
4. Finance
a. To formally note Items of Income
Income |
Total |
None |
b. To formally approve items of expenditure
Payee |
Details |
Net |
Total |
PK Pest Control |
Moles |
£ 70.00 |
Defib cabinet |
£ 732.00 |
PMC Services |
Lawnmower repair |
£1,056.01 |
Unity |
Bank charges |
£ 6.00 |
S Aikman |
6 months expenses |
£ 249.00 |
S Markall |
Swinderby LinkUp |
£ 300.00 |
N Marris |
Pole for Speed Indicator Device |
£ 84.38 |
Swinderby Village Hall |
Meeting room |
£ 18.00 |
All expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension was presented by the Clerk and examined, verified and certified by the Council and approved unanimously.
c. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.
d. To review spend against budget.
e. To consider grass cutting quotes for 2025.
Deferred until next meeting.
f. To consider the draft budget for 2025/26.
Deferred until next meeting.
5. Planning
a) Applications Received
24/0878/DISCON |
Application to discharge Condition 8 (Biodiversity Plan), 18 (Public Open Space), 22 (Phasing Plan) and 23 (Surface Water (additional details) re planning permission 22/1376/FUL (Erection of 132 dwellings with associated outbuildings/garages and landscaping/open space and affordable housing and including conversion of existing (retained) building to shop and offices). |
Produce World Ltd Moor Lane Swinderby |
No comments. Open Space, phasing and play areas were discussed. |
b) Applications Decided
6. To report on updates on repairs to the play equipment and installation of the goal posts.
Repairs to the safety matting had been booked and the goal posts ordered.
Specification sheets were needed for play equipment from Eibe.
7. To discuss Pride in our Parish
Suggestions included tidying, flower boxes, seats, signs, beacon etc. Residents were to be asked what their priorities were. ACTION: Cllrs Carter and Longson
8. To consider the Station Road Playing Field development.
9. To consider opportunities for consultation on proposed new play equipment.
An Awards for All application would be made for the planned Ninja trail. Cllr Lloyd would email Kisimul School for their views on the plans and Cllr Carter would work with the school. Consultations would be combined to support the application. ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Carter
10. To report on the servicing of the lawnmower.
Reported in Public Forum
11. To consider options for a new speed indicator device.
Cllr Longson was researching options. ACTION: Cllr Longson
12. To receive any further updates on the Church Farm Development.
There was a need to plan for S106 funds and the honouring of agreements with the Church and the School.
A discussion was held about the possibility of purchasing of a stretch of land for the footpath to the station. Cllr Marris had previously spoken to landowners, who had been positive about the suggestion. Cllr Marris would speak with them again to confirm their views. ACTION: Cllr Marris
Cllr Lloyd would contact NKDC Planning and ask to be pointed in the right direction to proceed. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
Cllr Briggs would speak to LCC on the matter. Cllr Longson would send a map, detailing the footpath route, to Cllr Briggs. ACTION Cllr Longson
It was resolved unanimously to review, as an agenda item, the purchasing of the land for the footpath as an option from the Community Contribution. ACTION: Clerk
The nature reserve was due to be completed following the sale of 20% of the houses. The Parish Council would look at accessibility requirements. Agenda item. ACTION: Clerk
£44,748 open space contribution was in addition to the £150k CiL/Community contribution. Cllr Lloyd would ask NKDC Planning about the use of POS funds. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
Net Biodiversity gain from the development would be monitored for 30 years. The Biodiversity plan would be circulated. ACTION: Clerk
13. To discuss foul water pumping on Station Road.
No updates received.
14. To report on any updates to the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.
No updates received.
15. To receive any updates on the requested fire safety report requested.
The report had been received to confirm broad compliance. A response was awaited regarding numbers of attendees. Cllr Lloyd would follow this up. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
16. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Gagg asked for any updates regarding the provision of a shop in the new development. This needed to be followed up with the developer. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
Cllr Haig reported that lights form the new development were a problem for drivers. The developer was to be asked if the lights could be angled down. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd.
It was reported that the Swinderby Fair had been successful. However, there had been problems with taking payments due to the lack of internet connection. A discussion was held about the provision of WiFi at the Village Hall. Cllr Haig would look at options and the Clerk would add the matter, including the costs, to a future agenda. ACTION: Cllr Haig and Clerk
Cllr Marris reported that there were a number of mole hills on the playing field. The contractor would be asked to deal with this. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
17. Correspondence
To note correspondence received.
Date |
Received From |
Description |
19.11.2024 |
North Scarle PC |
Severn Trent Water |
26.11.2024 |
Active Travel Strategy |
18. Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 13th January 2025
Meeting closed at 9.10pm
Signed………………………………………… Date……………………………..