May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting



ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 13th May 2024 held at Swinderby Village Hall

Present:  Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson, N Marris and A Haig.

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance: Cllr P Overton (NKDC). 5 members of the public

The Clerk opened the meeting.

1.   Election of Chair and to receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr G Lloyd be elected Chair of the Council.  Cllr Lloyd signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

2.   Election of Vice-Chair and to receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr L Carter be elected Vice-Chair of the Council.  Cllr Carter signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

3.   To receive any apologies for absence.

Apologies received from Cllr J Gagg.  Apologies accepted.

4.   To resolve to suspend the meeting and hold a public forum.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to suspend the meeting and hold a public forum.

Cllr Overton gave the following annual report:

New Development in the village

The Sowerby development has yet again taken up much time and thought and finally achieved planning approval from NKDC. I spoke at the planning hearing and explained the enormous amount of work that the parish council had put into this development, with lengthy discussions trying to get the best possible outcome. I also pressed for the planners to keep close tabs on agreements being fully implemented in a timely fashion. The Chairman thanked me for my short and concise presentation. It was clearly a relief to the applicant to finally get this through – and I feel for the village of Swinderby too!

The Countryside Code and the scourge of litter and possible solutions have been discussed in the past and NKDC continues to perform well in doing its best to counter this problem. Just a reminder that it has installed some hidden cameras in dumping hot spots, with some successful prosecutions. 

Solar Industry in North Kesteven

The huge scale of industrial developments continues to be a significant battle with unlimited applications coming in; 38,000 acres in Lincolnshire right now with many new pylons. As your District Councillor I raised this issue in full Council in January as a motion calling for limits on the industrial solar developments, seconded by colleague, Cllr Mitch Elliott and passed unanimously with an agreed amendment. I worked with the Head of Planning and Chief Executive of the Council to finalise a letter which has now been sent to the relevant Government Minister.

At the July Full Council Meeting the Leader of the Council stated this in his motion:

Since the District Council has as its prime objective achieving net zero by 2030, I have taken a special interest in progress. In light of recent developments, revisions of timetables and strategies by central government, with regards to net zero policies, it is important that we signal to our residents that the local policies they have supported, have not been abandoned or watered down.

We will continue to pursue the policies we have previously agreed, that not only benefit the environment, but also assist our residents in achieving warmer and more sustainable affordable homes and businesses to become more efficient, therefore investing in our local economy.

It was easier to make the declaration of a climate emergency in 2019 than implement the required action! The Council has made some progress, but it is behind the curve. At a recent Full Council meeting I pressed the importance of engagement with the public to encourage good practise at the household level, to help achieve reductions in energy consumption and thus carbon emissions. Despite the motion from the Leader, The Council has failed to do this appropriately in my opinion and I made a strong representation in the recent Full Council meeting. I stated that the existing website link to encourage action is virtually invisible and needs rethinking in terms of accessibility and content. I shall be keeping my foot on the pedal with this one. I have good contact with the Councillor who has been designated by the Council to move forward on our net zero commitments and I think he appreciates the support.

Concerning Council housing, the other major responsibility of NKDC, it has a stock of 3800 rented properties. So far, I have been advised that 85 have been upgraded since last August but there are over one thousand that need work to achieve a good standard, as required by our net zero commitment. The government has offered us £2m in grants and we have allocated a further £21m from our housing budget. It is fair to say that most councils are doing good work to tackle the climate crisis, some are doing better than NKDC although many are currently less successful. What is certain is that all are struggling to move fast enough since promised government funding is not yet in place. However, community involvement is crucial. This is where NKDC must improve since the cost is minimal.

Another major debate in the Council earlier in 2024 was the highly contentious ‘redevelopment’ of Sleaford Market Square. NKDC had a grant that it wanted to spend. It was given planning consent by a narrow margin. There was great protest from Sleaford residents over what they saw as covering an excellent square with more concrete and removing all parking. After a heated debate and much protest, the plan is being re-visited and we hope something better (which may be nothing at all) will emerge.

The Parish Council will be aware that as your District Councillor one of my main responsibilities is overseeing any contentious developments and advising residents where appropriate. Continued development of Phase 3 of Witham St Hughs and its impact on Camp Road is probably of more consequence to Swinderby residents than other applications. With work now underway my County Council colleague representing Witham, Marianne Overton will be keeping an eye on road surface and verge restoration and the impact of the new occupancy on traffic movements through the older village.

Flooding in the village

After intense winter rainfall events Swinderby is facing the issue of flooding and back up of foul drainage through the Severn Trent operated system. We discussed the possible impact of the new 138 house development and how pressure should be put on STWA to move ahead with upgrades. My main recommendation was that Swinderby should consider a joint approach with North Scarle, who are in the same catchment and have similar problems, and with whom I was working until 2023 while I was there representative and also a member of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board. We had some success but it is a slow process.

Villager Concerns

All Councillors get contact from villagers, often asking for assistance, but sometimes raising complaints. They are not frequent. However, in 2023 I did receive a number concerning the Lost Village weekend and the noise emanating from the site. This matter was discussed by the licensing committee at NKDC and discussions have been held with the organisers to try to prevent this happening in 2024. We will watch this space but there have been changes made which should help reduce any unwarranted noise impact. It should be noted, however, that some comments were supportive and suggested that the noise was temporary at a well-managed event.

I have also recently been asked to take another look at the attendance at the Wesleyan Chapel in High Street, Swinderby. My brief report is presented at the April Parish Council meeting, but I am aware that the Council considers this a sensitive matter and any action needs careful consideration.

I would like to note my thanks to my fellow District Councillor, Mitch Elliott, with whom I have worked happily and beneficially over the past year. Together we have been able to fulfil our roles effectively. Also, thanks to Cllr Alan Briggs for his contribution working well with me since his election last year. I would also like to register my thanks to the well-run Swinderby Parish Council and its members and the constructive way in which we are able to work together, with a warm welcome particularly appreciated.

Swinderby Planning applications made in 2023/24

Demolition of rear boundary at 61 High Street
Change of use of Agricultural shed Eagle Hall
Garden to boarding kennels; Meardshall Cott.
Timber framed Car Port; 80 High Street
132 Homes at Produce World approved (16/2)
First Floor extension; 62 High Street
Erection of agricultural building; Park Farm
Erection of single storey extension by demolishing garage; 65 Station Road
Replacement garage; Long Cott. 51 High St.
Four dwellings: 18 High St.
Single storey extension; 54 High Street
Fencing and gates; The Cottages, Halfway Ho.
Single storey extension; 22 Station Road
Three dwellings; 4 High Street
Single storey extension; 25 Manor Road
Extension of barn & erection of new barn to create menage for horses; 48 Station Rd
Single storey front extension; 47 Manor Road

The Council meeting continued following the end of the Public Forum.

5.   To receive any declarations of interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.


6.   To receive the Annual Report of the Village Hall committee.









£ 15,308

£ 18,363

£ 16,178**

£ 15,054**

£ 12,296


£ 9,674

£ 7,048

£ 18,109

£ 8,040

£ 15,187

Profit / (loss)

£ 5,634

£ 11,314

(£ 1,931)

£ 7,014

(£ 2,891)


£ 50,483

£ 44,392

£ 33,045

£ 34,808

£ 27,554

Main items of expenditure

Shelving in storeroom


Decorating & new carpets

Electrical survey

New chairs & tables

** denote inclusion of Covid Hospitality grants. 

The hall continues to host a varied range of activities that attract both villagers and participants from further afield:

•   Danielle Ward School of Dancing
•   Belly Dancing
•   Quilting
•   Mothers & Toddlers
•   Craft Group
•   Sequence Dancing
•   Yoga
•   Taekwondo (new in 2023)
•   Explorer Scouts
•   Shamans

Some new storage solutions have been installed to meet the needs of hirers. 

And, we have a new cleaner!


No major works are planned at this time. Peter Sowerby Homes have indicated that they will tarmac the car park and replace fascia’s and guttering as part of the planned Produce World development. 

Cllr Marris suggested that bicycle racks could be considered in the future.

7.   To confirm that the Parish Council continues to meet the requirements of the Parish Council’s (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 (SI21012/965).

Confirmed that 6 of the 7 Councillors were elected in 2023 and the Clerk holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration PG 2013.  The GPC therefore continues to be adopted.

8.   To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 15th April 2024, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. 

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 15th April 2024 were an accurate record of the meeting.

Progress reported on matters discussed:

- Cllr Lloyd had been in touch with Network Rail regarding the waiting room at Swinderby station.
- A litter pick had been held. The amount of rubbish was reduced from previous litter picks.  NKDC were collecting the rubbish.
- The pest control company were refunding part of their annual fee and ending the contract.  A new pest control company had been taken on with good success to date.
- Cllr Marris had ordered a new gate for the playing field.

9.   Finance

a.   To formally note Items of Income













b.   To formally approve items of expenditure








Swinderby V Hall



Meeting room



 £ 18.00






£ 18.00






Microsoft Office






£ 39.20









Data Protection Fee



 £ 35.00






£ 35.00



Britnell Tree Services



Tree services












C B Ground Maintenance



Grass cutting












PK Pest Control















Trent Valley IDB



Drainage rates



 £ 30.87






£ 30.87









 £ 54.00



£ 10.80



£ 64.80



B Knight and Sons



Playing field gate










Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

c.   Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

d.   To review spend against budget.


e.   To receive the Internal Auditor’s report

The Internal Auditor had sent the following report:

To the Chairman of Swinderby Parish Council. 

I have examined council business including policies, agendas & minutes, accounting and financial statements and other documents relevant to this audit. Several areas were identified where action was required in the immediate future other actions are offered as suggestions for improvement or considered to be best practice. I have discussed these with the Clerk, see below. 

*Outstanding from last year’s audit 

Council management and activity. 

• Standing Orders & Financial Regulations are in along with all other statutory policies. 
• All policies are available on the website, ensure that reviews are undertaken on a regular basis.
• Minutes & Agendas are available on the website. 
• Payments were checked for, approval corresponding with the invoice & minutes.
• Reserves to be monitored, ensuring that general reserves are 50-75% of the precept plus any earmarked reserves. General reserves are a bit low. 
• All GDPR policies are adopted and put on the website*. 

Summary AGAR form 3 signed.

The website was currently under review by the Clerk.  Policies and working documents would be reviewed by the Council and the Clerk.

f.   To review the effectiveness of the system of internal control and consider the findings prior to completing the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return for 2023/24.

All items were reviewed, and the Annual Governance Statement was completed.

g.   To approve the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return for 2023/24.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

h.   To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole.

The Accounting statements were considered.

i.   To approve the Accounting Statements for 2023/24 on the Annual Return.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the accounting statements and end of year bank reconciliation for 2023/24.

j.   Accounting Statements to be signed and dated by the Chair.

The Accounting Statements were signed and dated by the Chair.

k.   The Period for exercise of Public Rights

The period was set for Monday 3 June – Friday 12 July 2024.      ACTION: Clerk

10.   Planning

a)   Applications Received





b)   Applications Decided





11.   To consider continuation of the LALC website management service.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to continue with the LALC website management service.

12.   To report on any updates to the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.

It was reported that there was a delay in availability of funding towards the Neighbourhood Plan for the current year.  The next consultation was on 2nd June 2024.

13.   To receive any updates from pest control.

Matter covered under agenda item 8.

14.   To discuss plans for the Summer Fete.

Plans were coming along well.  A flyer would be sent out to parishioners.

15.   To receive any updates from the Swinderby Trust.

Full report was given in the Annual Parish Meeting.

16.   Review of Actions from 2023/2024. Where are we at and what needs doing next. 

a)   Compositing toilet Play Area and move the bench. – Awaiting installation

b)   Seat outside the village hall, remove trees and replant. – Looking at installing a concrete base.

c)   Container Storage for the carpark. – Completed.  Roof needs checking for any rust prevention treatment required.

d)   Wall mounted flag pole for the village hall* - Needs reinstalling following high winds.

e)   Bowls Club – looking at organising an event in the summer.

f)   Land registry – work still to be done.

g)   Village sign on the triangle – dismissed due to cost.

h)   Nature reserve on new land or the Playing Field – plans are to be finalised.

i)   School flag – no updates.  Cllr Carter will speak to the school.

j)   Equipment for Play Area (Games wall and roundabout) – games wall installed, climbing equipment repaired.

k)   Lives course in village hall – well attended.

l)   Plans for landscaping the community areas on the Moor Lane site and additional area – awaiting final plans.

m)   Cycle Track/ Footpath to the station – ongoing.

n)   Solar Panels for the speed indicator devices – completed.

o)   Any others? – planters need looking at as overgrown.

17.   To consider insurance requirements and renewal for 2024/25

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to renew the Parish Council Insurance through Gallagher at a cost of £1000.43.

18.   Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.

Cllr Marris asked if the Parish Council could contribute to the fencing and gate required on the land that had been newly acquired by Swinderby Trust.  This would be added to the agenda for June.

19.   Correspondence

To note correspondence received.


Received From



Fosse Green Energy

Fosse Green Energy Consultation Update



Important Pre-Election Period for Police & Crime Commissioner Elections



Extension of Lincolnshire Moves: Your voice, your roads till the 17th May



North Kesteven Lottery Grant Scheme

Date of next meeting 

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 10th June 2024.

Meeting closed at 8.59pm