September 2024 Minutes


MINUTES OF SWINDERBY PARISH COUNCIL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 9th September 2024 held at Swinderby Village Hall

Present:  Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. J Gagg and A Haig.

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance: Cllr M Elliott (NKDC) and Cllr A Briggs (LCC)

Public Forum

Cllr P Overton had sent his apologies.

A member of the public reported that the train station waiting room was still closed.  The Parish Council would follow this up.

1.   To receive any apologies for absence.

Apologies received from Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson and N Marris. Apologies accepted.

2.   To receive any declarations of interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.


3.   To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 8th July 2024, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. 

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 8th July 2024 were an accurate record of the meeting.

Progress reported on matters discussed:

- The new gate for the Playing Field had been installed and needed adjustment.
- The composting toilet was still to be installed.
- The base for the new bench had been installed for free.  The Clerk would write to ¬Rob Mungall and thank him.


- The solar powered speed indicator device had been repaired.
- A member of the public, Becky Newborough, had followed up to ‘Adopt your local station’.
- Work to clear the jitty had been completed.

4.   Finance

a.   To formally note Items of Income




Groundworks UK

Grant for Neighbourhood Plan


b.   To formally approve items of expenditure







Annual Play Inspection









C B Ground Maintenance

Grass cutting




PKF Littlejohn

External Audit




PK Pest Control





C B Ground Maintenance

Grass cutting





Defib pads





Parish Online




All expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension was presented by the Clerk and examined, verified and certified by the Council and approved unanimously.

c.   Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

d.   To review spend against budget.


e.   To receive any feedback from the External Auditor

External auditor’s limited assurance opinion 2023/24

On the basis of our review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), in our opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.

5.   Planning

a)   Applications Received


Application to vary conditions 4 (materials) and 10 (approved plans) re planning permission 22/1080/FUL (Proposed three new dwellings consisting of conversion of existing garage into a house and the change of design from previously approved single house into two houses). Change in design.

Green Heart,
4 High Street, Swinderby

No objections raised to the design.  Clarification to be sought as to whether properties are annexes or can be sold separately.  ACTION: Clerk

b)   Applications Decided





6.   To receive feedback from the Lost Village event.

It was reported that the event had gone well with no complaints raised in either Witham or Swinderby.  Cllr Lloyd would write to the event organisers.

ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

7.   To consider plans for Remembrance Day and Service.

The school and Church had agreed that the service would take place on Monday 11th November.  Cllr Lloyd would send the details to Cllr Carter.

ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

The Parish Council wreath would be laid at the Church.

Cllr Lloyd would order more poppies and lay a wreath at Grant Fillingham.

ACTION: Cllr   Lloyd

8.   To consider the findings of the Annual Play Area Inspection. 

No areas of medium or high risk were found during the inspection.  Splits in some of the wood had been noticed.  Cllr Lloyd would review the warranty on the wood and chase the parts ordered for the swings.

ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

9.   To review information from Fosse Green Energy.

Cllr Elliot reported on the planning meeting that had been held online with the National Grid regarding the type and size of equipment planned.  

A National Grid Action Group meeting was being held on 16th September at The Venue, Navenby.

Further planned meetings were:

27th September at The Venue, Navenby, 3-7pm

9th November - Public Consultation at Thorpe Village Hall, 2-8pm.

23rd November – Public consultation at Witham St Hughs, 11.30am start.

The Fosse Green proposal would cover 2,500 acres.  The Springwell project would cover 10,000 acres.

10.   Update on the Local Minerals Plan.

No concerns were raised.  It was reported that the area was well screened.

11.   To consider the possibility of budgeting for a Village handyman from April 2025.

The Clerk would suggest possible increases in the village maintenance budget for future years.


12.   To report on any updates to the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Neighbourhood Plan was being finalised before being scrutinised by NKDC. This would be followed with a consultation with residents and following a vote could then become the full Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish.  The Plan can be reviewed and updated as needed in the future.  Cllr Lloyd would be in touch with the consultant.

ACTION: Cllr Lloyd.

13.   To consider our response to the plans to developing a football pitch on the Station Road Playing Field. 

Following a vote it was unanimously agreed that the village did not have the capacity to support the proposal.  Cllr Lloyd would reply to the request.

ACTION Cllr Lloyd

14.   To receive updates on the Church Farm Development and have further discussion on matters including:

- Plans to open the area between the development and 'centre of the village.'
- Play Equipment on the Green. 
- Speed Indicator device. 
- Plans for the outside the church, the school and the Playing Field. 

Cllr Lloyd had met with the developer on 2 occasions and reported that:

- Delays had occurred due to levels being wrong.  
- There was a land swap between the developer and Kisimul School.  Cllr Lloyd would write to Steve Bromley for information.  
- Plans were still waited for outside the Church and the School.
- A welcome pack was being produced for new residents
- The developer thought that the first residents would move in next year and that the development would be complete in 2 years

Cllr Lloyd would send the Ecological Report to Cllr Gagg.

ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

15.   Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.

Cllr Carter would be speaking to the new School Council about the School flag and the insect boxes.

Cllr Haig reported that the hedge to the carpark had been trimmed to increase visibility but there was still a need to be clear regarding maintenance for this area.  The possibility of a footpath to the station still needed investigating. Action Cllrs Lloyd and Marris

Concerns were raised about children crossing to school from the new development.  The Clerk would ask the Road Safety Partnerships about any options such as a school crossing patrol.


Cllr Lloyd would arrange the next litter pick.

ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

Cllr Marris would cut the Playing Field grass.

ACTION: Cllr Marris

16.   Correspondence

To note correspondence received.


Received From




Flood Investigation - Section 19 Lincolnshire Site Visit



Chief Executive resignation



North Kesteven Climate Action Survey



LALC Extraordinary General Meeting - 12/09/24 

Presentation on NPPF proposed changes


Navenby Action Group

Proposed substation for proposed solar farm – meeting 16/09/2024

17.    Date of next meeting 

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 14th October 2024.

Meeting closed at 9.05pm