January 2025 Minutes

held on 13th January 2025
Held at Swinderby Village Hall
Present:  Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson, N Marris and A Haig.
Clerk: S Aikman
Also in attendance: Cllr M Elliott (NKDC) and 3 members of the public
Public Forum
Cllr P Overton (NKDC) had sent his apologies.
A resident asked about the damaged hedge in the Village Hall carpark.  Cllr Lloyd explained that the damage had been caused by those renting the Village Hall as they had set fireworks off in the carpark which had set fire to the hedge.  The fire brigade had arrived at 12.30am on 1st January and extinguished the fire.  The carpark is owned by the Parish Council, with an agreement that it will be maintained by the Parish Council, Bowls Club and Village Hall.  Insurance cover for the damage would be checked.  ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Hodgson.  
It was suggested that better security would be achieved by replacing the hedge with a fence and that S106 funds could possibly be used for this, with support from the village hall. 
Cllr Elliott reported on the sad news of the passing of District Councillor Peter Burley.
Cllr Elliott announced:
- that there was a Public Open day about the National Grid solar farm proposals in Navenby. 5-7pm on 16th January. A total of 10,000 acres of solar farms were being planned for Lincolnshire.
- Lincolnshire was planning for local and mayoral elections on 1st May, despite other Councils delaying election plans.
- It was being proposed that planning responsibilities would be removed from local Councillors.
- The Mayor would take on responsibility for local public transport.
1. To receive any apologies for absence.
Cllr J Gagg had sent his apologies, Apologies accepted.
2. To receive any declarations of interest
In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 2nd December 2024, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. 
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 2nd December 2024 were an accurate record of the meeting.
Progress reported on matters discussed:
- Cllr Lloyd was receiving summaries of meetings with Fosse Green Energy about the proposed solar farms.
- No updates had been received from the Fire Service.
- The revised Emergency Plan had been circulated and put on the website.
- The Lawnmower had been serviced and would be returned soon.
- Balfour Beatty had cleared a number of drains in the village.  The drains in the school layby and some drains on Moor Lane had not been cleared.
- The planned lottery bid for new play equipment had been submitted.
- Funding for Provision of Open Space from the Church Farm Development could be spent by the Parish, in addition to S106 funds.  Spend would be controlled by NKDC.
- Re-routing of the footpath to the station was to be pursued with the Footpath Officer.
- Cllr Lloyd would ask the developer again about the repositioning of site lighting to reduce glare for drivers.
- Cllr Lloyd had spoken to the developer about plans for the shop.
- 13 moles had been caught over the last month.  The problem of moles on the playing field continued.
4. Finance
a. To formally note Items of Income







b. To formally approve items of expenditure







Fixing for goals

 £   256.49

£ 51.30

 £   307.79

PK Pest Control


 £   280.00


 £   280.00


Bank charges

 £       6.00


 £       6.00

Swinderby V Hall

Meeting room

 £     18.00


 £     18.00

Itsa goal posts ltd

Goal posts




      All expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension was presented by the Clerk and examined, verified and certified by the Council and approved unanimously.
c. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.
d. To review spend against budget.
e. To consider grass cutting quotes for 2025.
Following a discussion and vote it was unanimously resolved to continue with the grasscutters from 2024 for the 2025 season.  The Clerk would confirm the decision with those that had tendered for the contract. ACTION: Clerk
f. To consider LALC membership for 2025/26 and the LALC training scheme for 2025/26.
Following a vote it was resolved to renew LALC membership for 2025/26 but not to participate in the LALC training scheme.  Training would be paid for as required. ACTION: Clerk
g. To consider the draft budget for 2025/26.
Following a vote it was resolved to increase the precept by £500 to £23,847.40, which would be an estimated 1.87% increase (based on NKDC precept calculator for 2025/26).  This would equate to an increase of approximately £1.70 per annum for a band D property according to the calculator. ACTION: Clerk
5. Planning
a) Applications Received


Erection of a detached workshop / store to rear of garden (part retrospective)

25 Manor Road Swinderby

No comments 

b)   Applications Decided


The installation and operation of a mini battery storage unit

Land Northwest of Meardsall Lane, Swinderby


6. To report on updates on repairs to the play equipment and installation of the goal posts.
It was reported that the safety matting was to be replaced soon and the goal posts were expected to arrive in the next 2 weeks.
A discussion was held about ideas for the play areas in the village including the target wall and accessible roundabout available through Wicksteed. Additional seating for the play area was also discussed.  CiL spend would be added to the next agenda and would include discussions around the above items as well as fencing for the village hall carpark. ACTION: Clerk
7. To consider the Station Road Playing Field development.
It was reported that the nature reserve would be completed after 20% of the housing was occupied.
8. To update on the application for funding for the proposed new play equipment.
An application had been submitted to the Big Lottery by Cllr Lloyd.
9. To consider options for a new speed indicator device.
Cllr Longson had researched available options and contacted 3 companies for further information.  Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to purchase a speed indicator device with the smiley/angry face and solar panel at a cost of £4,539 plus vat.  This would be purchased with the CiL funding and added to the insurance once installed. ACTION: Clerk
10. To consider the possibility of purchasing of land for a footpath as an option from the Community Contribution for the Church Farm Development.
Cllrs Lloyd and Marris were pursuing this matter with the Footpath Officer and the land owners. ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Marris
11. To consider accessibility requirements for the nature reserve.
12. To consider possible steps to replace the burnt section of hedge in the carpark. 
Following the discussion in the public forum it was unanimously resolved to replace the hedge with fencing.  A trustee from the Bowls Club offered to provide a quote.  Types of fencing and quotes would be an agenda item at the February meeting. ACTION: Clerk
13. To receive any updates on the Neighbourhood Plan.
Policies had been adjusted to suit feedback from consultees.  Adjustments took into account areas such as water stress, surface water (including keeping this separate from foul water).  The needs of other parishes were also considered.
Public consultation would be for 6 weeks followed by a public vote.
14. To report any updates regarding the provision of a shop in the new development. 
Discussed during the public forum.
15. To consider options and costs for the provision of WiFi at the Village Hall.
Discussions were held including network boosters, mobile routers and phone lines with Wi-Fi. Cllr Haig would look at options for charities. The item would be added to the next agenda. ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Haig 
16. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Longson raised the ongoing matter of an unused property in the village.  Cllr Lloyd would email NKDC again. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd.
17. Correspondence
To note correspondence received.


Received From



Anwick resident

Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding any interactions or consultations your Parish Council has had with Stream Bioenergy. Specifically, I request the following details:



Flooding support



Request for information on any Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Clubs



Budget and Council Tax proposal 2025/26


LALC Webmaster

Proposal for Parish webpage



Heritage Strategy – Have your say.

18. Date of next meeting 
 Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 10th February 2025
Meeting closed at 9.10pm
Signed………………………………………… Date……………………………..