held on 10th February 2025
Held at Swinderby Village Hall
Present: Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson, N Marris, J Gagg and A Haig.
Clerk: S Aikman
Also in attendance: Cllr A Briggs (LCC), Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 2 members of the public
Public Forum
Cllr M Elliot (NKDC) had sent his apologies.
A resident asked if elm trees on the play area could be trimmed as the trees were interrupting signal to their satellite system. Cllr Lloyd reported that the council were waiting for a quote. The resident also reported that a tree was covered in ivy and there was concern that the tree may not be stable. Cllr Lloyd arranged to meet with the resident. Cllr Lloyd also reported that brambles needed clearing. Cllr Marris would contact the contractor regarding the quote and availability. ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Marris
Cllr Overton reported that a 3.6% rise was expected in Council Tax.
A discussion was held about objections to proposed solar panel farms.
1. To receive any apologies for absence.
Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair) had sent her apologies, Apologies accepted.
2. To receive any declarations of interest
In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 13th January 2025, previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 13th January 2025 were an accurate record of the meeting.
Progress reported on matters discussed:
- A number of moles had been caught on the play area. It was suggested that an annual contract for pest control may be better for future years.
- The Neighbourhood Plan was under a 6-week consultation. This would be the last opportunity for the public to contribute before NKDC organised the referendum. It was suggested that a summary version of the Neighbourhood Plan would be useful.
4. Finance
a. To formally note Items of Income
b. To formally approve items of expenditure
2025 membership
£ 254.24
Bank charges
£ 6.00
Swinderby V Hall
Meeting room
£ 18.00
PK Pest control
£ 245.00
IT Maintenance
£ 48.00
Payment for the fitting of new goalposts was withheld until issues were resolved.
All expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension was presented by the Clerk and examined, verified and certified by the Council and approved unanimously.
c. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.
d. To review spend against budget.
5. Planning and Tree works
a. Applications Received
b. Applications Decided
Sub-division of a single existing dwelling to form two separate dwellings and addition of porch.
Boundary Farm South Scarle Lane, Swinderby
Erection of a detached workshop / store to rear of garden (part retrospective)
25 Manor Road Swinderby
6. To report on updates on repairs to the play equipment, including the future of the zip wire and installation of the goal posts.
The Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for both a full inspection of the zip wire, and for replacement of the wire and carriage. ACTION: Clerk
Councillors had inspected the recently installed goal posts and were not happy with the quality of workmanship that meant the removable goals could not be used as intended. The Clerk would contact the installer. ACTION: Clerk
7. To report any updates regarding the Signal Box.
Cllr Lloyd would contact NKDC again to discuss options. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
8. To consider the use of CiL funding for play equipment and for fencing in the Village Hall carpark.
The Clerk confirmed that CiL funding could be used for play equipment purchase and repairs and for fencing in the Village Hall carpark.
9. To consider quotes for a fence in the Village Hall carpark.
Quotes had been obtained for fencing in the Village Hall carpark. Cllr Marris would remove the roots of the conifer hedging and accept a quote of £3,729 for the fencing and gate. ACTION: Cllr Marris
10. To consider options for the next Play inspection.
The Clerk had obtained quotes from companies for the annual play inspection. Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to remain with Wicksteed for the current year. ACTION: Clerk
11. To update on the application for funding for the proposed new play equipment.
This item was deferred until the March meeting. ACTION: Clerk
12. To receive updates on the new speed indicator device.
The speed indicator device for Moor Lane had been ordered. It was noted that this could not be purchased through CiL funding. Cllr Longson had completed the pre-requisite form required by the supplier and installer. The developer would move the fencing as required for installation.
13. To consider the possibility of diverting the footpath to the station, or purchasing of land for a footpath as an option from the Community Contribution for the Church Farm Development.
It was agreed that diverting the footpath was the best option.
14. To consider accessibility requirements for the nature reserve.
A 4’6” gate had already been installed. Cllr Marris and the Clerk would research the possibility of installing matting for the grass to grow through to make an accessible path. ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Marris
15. To report any updates regarding the provision of a shop in the new development.
Interest had been received in running a village shop. This had been reported to the developer.
16. To consider options and costs for the provision of WiFi at the Village Hall.
Cllr Haig had researched the many options available. Cllr Haig had also written to The Lost Village event organisers to ask about any possibility of funding. It was agreed that Cllr Haig would discuss the options with a resident with experience in the area. Cllr Briggs reported that full fibre was due to be installed in the village. It may therefore be better to wait until this work had been completed.
This item would be added to the March agenda. ACTION: Clerk
17. To report on the service of a Section 215 Notice (Untidy Land) Untidy Land and Listed Building, Danes School Cottage, 7 High Street, Swinderby.
18. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Marris thanked Cllr Longson for obtaining trees for Bett’s Corner.
Cllr Lloyd reported that bunting would be put up 1 week before VE day. Residents would be encouraged to put up additional bunting. ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
19. Correspondence
To note correspondence received.
Received From
Central Lincolnshire Authority Wide Design Code Update
Safety of lithium-ion batteries campaign
NK Lottery Fund relaunched
Summary Upcoming Section 73 Application – Tarmac Whisby Quarry
Notification of temporary traffic regulation Order - Eagle Hall/Swinderby TTR010722
CNB Housing
Housing needs survey
20. Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 10th March 2025
Meeting closed at 9.15pm
Signed………………………………………… Date……………………………..