February 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the Swinderby Parish Council Meeting

held at 7.30pm on 10 February 2020

at the SWINDERBY VILLAGE HALL, Bulpit Lane, Swinderby

Present: Cllrs G Lloyd (Chair), J Gagg, L Carter, G Shelbourn, N Marris and S Longson
Clerk: S Aikman

Also present: Cllr M Thompson (LCC). Apologies received from Cllr P Overton (NKDC)


1.Public Forum
Cllr Mike Thompson gave the following report:
Director of Public Health Annual Report

A new way of interpreting data now developed by WHO which could interpret population information down to County levels was used to identify Lincolnshire's Burden of Disease. This enabled for the first time comparisons between Years of Life Lost and Disability Living Life Years and will help future plans to ensure adequate countywide health provisions.

This is now available to view on the Council's website at



Support to help change Your Lifestyle?
Many people see the New Year as an opportunity to make lifestyle changes but can find it difficult to keep motivated. If you're struggling for inspiration, read this on the One You Lincolnshire website to help you reach your goal. A wide range of support is available www.oneyoulincolnshire.org/lincolnshireresidents.


The Lincolnshire Healthy Weight Partnership met this morning and reference was made to yesterday’s Radio 4 broadcast which featured the Head Teacher of Washingborough Academy speaking about measures which the school had adopted to Improve the health of pupils and which had received international interest.


Extra Funding for Highways:

The council is set to invest additional money in highways maintenance and flooding, with £14m of efficiency savings allowing it to still deliver a balanced budget. The council's executive members have approved budget proposals for 2020/21, which will now go out to consultation. Final proposals will be put before full council in February.


  1. To receive any apologies for absence
    Cllr Hodgson had sent his apologies, reasons accepted.

  2. To receive any declarations of interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
None received.

  1. To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 13th January 2020, previously circulated to members
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that they were an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.


  1. To formally note Items of Income













  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:





















  1. To approve Items of Expenditure








S Aikman






 £              73.50






 £               73.50






Passive speed signs



 £              12.50






 £               12.50



Swinderby Village Hall



Meeting room hire



 £              31.50






 £               31.50

Clerk’s salary including PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously and signed by the Chair.

  2. To review spend against budget
    Spend to date along with planned expenditure for the year was reviewed.

  3. To consider the purchase of the Office 365 update
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the Clerk would purchase the update when it was due and reclaim the cost under expenses.

  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received


Proposed outside display area (for garden sheds) (Part-Retrospective)

The Bungalow, Newark Road, Swinderby

No comments.


Replace front wall with period metal railing

The Grange, 66 High Street, Swinderby

No comments

b.      Applications Decided



Erection of a single storey side and rear extensions
Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information

16 Manor Road Swinderby



LCC Ref. No.



Erection of an animal by-products processing facility to include two processing buildings for

category 1 (and category 2) and category 3 material, associated ducting, ancillary boiler

houses, covered filtration beds with flues, 35m high composite stack, water treatment plant,

internal roadways, employee welfare buildings, stores, weighbridge, weighbridge kiosk,

trailer park, visitor and staff car park, attenuation lagoons, clean water pond, landscaping,

new vehicular access to Folly Lane, upgraded second access, 2.4m paladin fencing,

change of use and alterations to the two existing dwellings to form ancillary offices and

demolition of all other existing buildings at Villa Farm, Folly Lane, Norton Disney, Lincoln


The principle of the location of the development is contrary to Lincolnshire Minerals

and Waste Local Plan Core Strategy and Development Management Policies (2016)

(CSDMP) policy W3 and Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (2018) (CLLP) policies LP2,

LP5 and LP55

Permission has been refused

7.To consider setting up a Community First Responder Scheme with Collingham Parish Council and South Scarle Parish Council
Item deferred until a future meeting.

8.To consider the draft Community Led Planning Document  
A Statement of Intent for planning applications had been produced following a public consultation on a current application.  This would be sent to the developer of the brown field site along with a request for notification when any revised plans were produced.
The Parish Council is committed to working on behalf of residents and representing their views and were therefore interested in developing this document to guide future responses to planning applications.  Advice would be sought from North Kesteven District Council and from LALC and the matter would be considered further at the March Parish Council meeting.
                                                                                                  ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Lloyd

9.To consider a proposed Biodiversity Action Plan
Discussions were held and decisions made on the types of fruit trees that would be suitable for a community orchard.  An action plan would be produced and sent to the Lost Village event organisers as a request for funding.                                                           ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
The local riding club would be advised that the orchard would have no impact on their use of the playing field. 
Tree planting would take place on 8th March.  Litter picking would take place on 15th March.  The positioning for planting of a larger tree would be considered at the meeting in March.                                                                                                        ACTION: Clerk
10.To consider any updates on plans for the rendering plant
Application refused.

11.To consider any updates regarding a requested tree preservation order on a Sweet Chestnut at Meadow View
It was noted that the tree belonged to LCC and therefore did not require a TPO.

12.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only)
Cllr Carter reported that she had considered the resident’s proposal for an annual community award in the name of Reg Ketteringham and that she was very pleased with the plans.  The matter would be on the March agenda for arranging the details of the awards scheme.
Cllr Carter informed the Council that she had 3 rolls of play matting that could be used as the play area is developed.
Cllr Lloyd reported that:
- some notices had been placed on social media but, as was PC procedure, no conversations were entered into.
- the Parish Council had given no objection to containers being temporarily placed on the station carpark.  The current ownership of the carpark was unclear.  The Clerk would contact Eagle Parish Council to see if they had further information on the matter.  ACTION: Clerk
- Original deeds for PC owned land were being chased through a local solicitor



Received From




A46 Riseholme Roundabout improvements to start next month



LGBCE Electoral Review of NKDC



New town and parish council websites



LCC Highways Grass Cutting, new agreement


Network Rail

Siting of cabins in the car park at Swinderby station











14.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm on Monday 9th March 2020.  The Annual Parish Meeting would be held at 7pm on Monday 6th April followed by the Parish Council meeting.

The Annual Parish Council meeting would be held on Monday 11th May at 7.30pm
Future agenda item: Election of a Vice-Chair

15.To consider moving into closed session.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move into closed session to consider the Clerk’s annual review including a proposed salary point from April 2020.  All matters agreed.

Meeting closed 9.55 pm

Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..