September 2020 Minutes



held on 14 September 2020

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg and R Hodgson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr M Thompson (LCC) and Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 4 members of the public.

  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Overton reported:
    - There is a new £3k grant for businesses
    - The proposal for changing the boundaries will be decided in October
    - It is hoped that NKDC elections will be held in May 2021
    - NKDC is working on a positive approach to climate change, their action plan can be found on the NKDC website.  This shows plans to move to zero emissions as soon as possible.

    Cllr Thompson reported that:
    - There is a LCC meeting on Friday on the economy and the environment
    - The Green Management Plan for LCC can be found on their website.

    Sarah Markall reported that:
    - Swinderby Community group had applied for funding of £300 and asked if this could be given through the Parish Council, agreed.
    - A survey was to be held in the community to gauge connectivity
    - She would like to look at a floral tribute as an act of remembrance for all those who lost their lives in 2020.  The Parish Council would add this to the agenda for a future meeting.
    The Chair thanked Sarah for all that she does in the Parish, particularly during the recent times when parishioners needed additional support.

2.To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs N Marris and S Longson.

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 8th August 2020 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 8th August 2020 were an accurate record of the meeting.

5.To consider moving into closed session.
Two residents had expressed an interest in becoming Parish Councillors.  Both residents gave a statement and following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move to closed session to the end of the meeting to vote on the Co-option.


  1. To formally note Items of Income
    Invoice sent to LCC for grass cutting - £303.02







  1. To note the VAT reclaim of £1,151.73

  2. To consider the quote received for a replacement noticeboard
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to accept the quote received and to allow up to £350 in total to cover the cost of the noticeboard with the addition of a lock.

  3. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:











S Aikman

Expenses incl condolence book and bird deterrent spikes & travel





         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure







Grass cutting




G Lloyd

Repayment for Zoom subscription










  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget
    Spend to date along with planned expenditure for the year was reviewed. Virements were made from reserves to cover additional costs for this year.  £3,898.80 to Village costs for the Speed Indicator Devices, £692 to staffing to cover the changes to Local Government pay scales and £100 to S137 funds for additional community support.

  1. Planning
    A discussion was held and questions agreed for a survey to be sent out to residents about new proposals from the developer for the former Produce World site and other areas in the parish.  Concern was raised that there were no clear plans available for the revised proposal and that the increase in the numbers of properties was substantially over those in the Local Plan. It was decided to include the questionnaire in the next Linkup and to ask for one return per household.
    a. Applications Received


Internal alterations to create ensuite bathrooms and additional bedroom, installation of sprinkler system together with formation of new first floor window, erection of new soil vent pipe and siting of external water tank enclosure


The Old Vicarage 61 High Street Swinderby

Amendments – correct window position

b. Applications Decided



Erection of double garage with loft space over and solar panel array to roof.

Morton Manor Cottages, 1 Morton Manor, Morton Lane


8.To receive any updates on the proposed Rendering Plant
It was reported that further archaeology was taking place and that Historic England were interested in additional areas on the site.  The matter would be kept on the agenda

9.To consider the findings of the annual play inspection report
All findings were low risk.  A quote would be obtained for adjusting the zip wire. Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to purchase new toddler swing seats.                     Action Clerk

10.To note changes to the electoral wards received from NKDC
Cllr Thompson reported that the changes were to even up the numbers of Councillors across the district.  Accepted – Cllr Lloyd would reply to NKDC.                      Action Cllr Lloyd

11.To consider the need for Trustees for the Bowls Club
Cllr Carter reported that she was still waiting for a response from the solicitor.

12.To receive updates on the replacement defibrillator
Residents were still giving generously to the funds for the replacement defibrillator.  The funds would go to the Village Hall and be transferred to the Parish Council.  Cllr Lloyd would look at the possibility of thanking individuals through the ‘Go Fund Me’ page.    Action Cllr Lloyd

13.To receive updates on the Emergency Plan
Work was continuing on producing a folder.  The postcode of the defibrillator would be added to the emergency information.

14.To receive updates on the major re-signalling rail project between Newark and Lincoln
Cllr Carter had attended the meeting and gave a brief overview, the work is expected to take place in 2022.

15.To consider a request for a meeting with Kisimul School
Agreed.  The Clerk would contact the school.                                              Action Clerk

16.To consider the need for additional bins
This matter was deferred until the next meeting.

  1. To receive updates on the Parish Litter Picking Grant.
    Applied for.

18.To consider a response to the Planning White Paper
Links to the Local Plan, including the use of brownfield sites and showed local communities at the heart of the planning process.  Cllr Lloyd would reply.                                     Action Cllr Lloyd

19.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only).
Cllr Carter reported that the school was working well in the current situation.

Cllr Hodgson reported that the Village Hall was open for use and some groups had restarted.

Cllr Gagg reported that it was great to see the large numbers of residents supporting the litter pick. A thank you would be added to the Linkup report.                             Action Cllr Lloyd

Cllr Lloyd reported that the Speed Indicator Devices had been delivered and would be installed soon.  Cllr Hodgson would forward a risk assessment for working at height.  The risk assessment should include working near the highway.  The Clerk would forward a risk assessment undertaken by another Parish Council for reference.

The Clerk asked all Councillors to look at the old website and give their comments on important information to be transferred to the new website.  Cllr Lloyd suggested that links should be added to external groups rather than including detailed information on the Parish Council that could quickly become out of date.



Received From



East Midlands Railway

Network Rail holds information events ahead of major resignalling project between Newark and Lincoln



Screening Opinion consultation for 20/0708/EIASCR - Land At Witham St Hughes




Surface Dressing Works


J H Walter

200811 LCHE031 Potential Development in Swinderby Parish


Kisimul School Swinderby

Request for meeting



NALC 20-21 pay scales



Proposed new development



Proposed new development

17.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 12th October 2020. This meeting to be held online.

Closed session
Applications for Co-option had been received from 2 excellent candidates making it difficult to choose.  It was agreed to Co-opt the first candidate that had applied, Guy Beales.  Cllr Lloyd would write to both applicants to confirm the Council decision.  The Council welcomed the offer of support from the second candidate, even if not appointed.  A discussion was held about developing sub committees to look at specific responsibilities in the parish.  This would enable parishioners to offer their support and expertise to the Parish Council.

Meeting closed at  9.40pm

Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..