October 2020 Minutes



held on 12 October 2020

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr M Thompson (LCC) and Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 1 member of the public.

  1. Public Forum
    Sarah Markall reported that the Covid Support Group were continuing and collecting prescriptions for residents.  A discussion was held about the support available from LCC including insurance.

    Cllr Thompson opened a discussion on a new footpath/cycle path and the need for upgrading.  Cllr Thompson reported that he was awaiting a reply from LCC on this matter and on tree planting.

    Cllr Overton reported that NKDC were working on supporting the homeless and looking at ways to ensure that they do not need to sleep on the street.
    Cllr Overton reported on the work on climate change including insulation grants and the New Green Homes Grant.

2.To receive any apologies for absence

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14th September 2020 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 14th September 2020 were an accurate record of the meeting.


  1. To formally note Items of Income





VAT reclaim


  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






Royal British Legion

Donation for wreath




         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure









Bank charges







Expenditure approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  3. To consider a quote for repairing the zip wire
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to accept a quote of £110 to repair the zip wire.  Cllrs Gagg and Beales would attend at the time of repair to determine whether they were able to make adjustments to the zip wire in the future.

  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received


Erection of 3 bay timber framed garage to include storage room in attic space.

Holly House, Station Road, Swinderby

No comments

b. Applications Decided





7.To receive any updates on the development of the brownfield site
The feedback from the survey had been collated and the developer would be notified of the outcome.  The vast majority of replies accepted the original approved plans but were not in favour of the developers proposed amendments.  Comments received would be kept on a spreadsheet but the original papers from residents would not be kept.

8.To receive any updates on the proposed Rendering Plant
It was reported that a press article had been seen that suggested building work could start and then retrospective planning consent would then be applied for.  This matter to be kept on the agenda.

9.To receive updates on the biodiversity plan.
Discussions were held about developing an Environmental Plan to include biodiversity, litter, traffic etc.  The plan could include responsibilities for areas such as footpaths, orchard, moles, moving speed indicator devices and charging the batteries.  Care would need to be taken to ensure that the plan was sustainable.  The plan could potentially be launched at the same time as any plans for Open Gardens and Best Village.  This matter would be added to the agenda for the November meeting.

10.To receive updates on the replacement noticeboard.
Awaiting delivery

11.To consider the need for Trustees for the Bowls Club
Item deferred.

12.To report on a meeting with Kisimul School
Items discussed included improved communication and integration.  It was reported that the school was doing a sponsored walk to help with the fundraising for the new defibrillator.  It was also reported that pedestrians and horse riders were using the school grounds as a shortcut.  Councillors were invited to meet with the staff at the school on 16th November at 4pm.  An idea for a joint project for the pond in the grounds was discussed.

13.To receive updates on funding donated towards the defibrillator
Final confirmation had not yet been received of total funds received, however, it was reported that the current figure is likely to be approximately £900.

14.To receive updates on the Emergency Plan
The management at the public house had agreed for the pub to be a back-up venue.
A file was being developed to include details of key holders, emergency services contacts etc.  A generator for the village hall was discussed.  Cllr Thompson would send the details of the contact for LCC emergency services who may be able to provide a test generator.

15.To consider a suggestion for a floral tribute to those that lost their lives in 2020.
Item deferred.

16.To consider the need for additional bins
It was agreed to purchase bins for 3 locations:
- Near the gate of the Station Road play area
- Manor Road/Collingham Road junction
- Near the manor Road post box.
The Clerk would contact NKDC for approval of the positioning of the bins and obtain prices for the bins.  Cllrs Longson and Lloyd would install the bins.

17.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only).
Cllr Longson reported that the Community Orchard was growing well with a few apples produced this year.  The orchard was a nice community area with a bench.

Cllr Gagg reported that the new Speed Indicator Device appeared to be effective.  The footpath to the station was discussed.  Cllr Gagg would check the Public Rights of Way and then look at 2 options.  Cllr Thompson suggested asking Network Rail for a contribution to the costs as part of their major re-signalling works.  Cllr Gagg would send details through to the Clerk so that Network Rail could be contacted.                                           ACTION: Cllr Gagg and the Clerk

Cllr Marris offered to talk to landowners about proposals for the footpath to the station.
ACTION Cllr Marris.
Cllr Marris suggested that additional checks should be made on the play area following reports of broken glass near the equipment.  The Clerk would contact the ASB unit to ask for support regarding anti-social behaviour. ACTION: Clerk and Cllrs Gagg, Beales, Marris, Lloyd and Longson

Cllr Lloyd reported that a meeting with a play equipment provider had been arranged for the 22nd October. Any councillors free and wish to attend please do.  The need for consultation on the development of the play area was discussed as well as any possible sponsors.  The matter would be added to the agenda for the November meeting.

The Clerk asked all Councillors to look at the old website and give their comments on important information to be transferred to the new website. 



Received From




Street Numbering: Green Heart, 4 High Street, Swinderby, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 8LW


Health Watch Lincolnshire

Citizens Panel Press Release



Licensing Consultation


Lincolnshire Community Foundation


Sum of money has been awarded to Swinderby Pandemic Response.  To be held by Swinderby PC


School Admissions Team

Lincolnshire County Council

Policy Consultation between 1 October 2020 - 15 November 2020


Cllr M Thompson

Swinderby Parish Council enquiry about possible cycle path


Early Years Alliance

Virtual offer to support local families


Cllr M Thompson

Lincs Scammers and Fraudsters - Advice for Individuals and Community Groups



Dog Fouling Poster Campaign



Broken glass in play area

19.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 9th November 2020. This meeting to be held online.


Meeting closed at 9.25pm

Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..