June 2020 Minutes



Minutes of the Swinderby Parish Council Meeting

held at 7.30pm on 8 June 2020

Held remotely online

Present; Cllrs G Lloyd (Chair), J Gagg, L Carter, R Hodgson, N Marris and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also attended: Cllr M Thompson, LCC.  Cllr P Overton, NKDC

  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Thompson reported that resurfacing works in the village were going ahead.  The Covid fund was still open and available through the LCC website.  The Clerk would look to see if it was possible to apply for costs incurred due to the virus

2.To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Shelbourn.

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2020 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 11 May 2020 were an accurate record of the meeting.


  1. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






Came & Co




 £  338.40


Data Protection renewal



 £    35.00

         Clerk’s salary including PAYE, pension and expenditure approved unanimously

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure






B Solly

Internal Audit

£    40.00


£    40.00


Grass cutting

£  360.00


£  360.00

S Aikman

Microsoft 365 annual fee

£    79.99


£    79.99






  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget
    Spend to date along with planned expenditure for the year was reviewed.

  3. To receive the Internal Auditor’s report
    All items on the annual return had been approved by the internal auditor.

  4. To review the effectiveness of the system of internal control and consider the findings prior to completing the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return for 2019/20.
    All items were reviewed and the Annual Governance Statement was completed.

  5. To approve the Annual governance statement on the Annual Return for 2019/20.
    Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

  6. To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole
    The Accounting statements were considered.

  7. To approve the Accounting Statements for 2019/20 on the Annual Return.
    Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the end of year bank reconciliation for 2019/20.
    Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the Accounting Statement in the Annual Return.

k.Accounting Statements to be signed and dated by the Chair
The Accounting Statements were signed and dated by the Chair.

l.To confirm that the Parish Council meets the exemption criteria for external audit and to complete the exemption certificate
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council meet the exemption criteria for external audit and the exemption certificate was completed.

  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received


Internal alterations to create ensuite bathrooms and additional bedroom, installation of sprinkler system

The Old Vicarage 61 High Street

1.The Parish Council has requested a brief statement from the Council's Conservation Officer to ensure the development of this listed building and surrounding area, including the nearby Grade 2* church,  fulfills the criteria as published by Historic England. 

2.Taking into consideration  the concerns expressed by Parishioners over a period of time , how will this development impact: 

  • upon water pressure, often reduced at certain times in the village,

  •  the rate of flow of waste water and sewage, often tankers are needed to remove excess especially during wet weather and 

  • traffic flow in this busy part of the village

b.      Applications Decided



Part demolition of existing agricultural buildings and proposed barn conversion to form 2 private dwelling houses

Green Lane Farm , Green Lane, Swinderby


7.To announce the decision of the Council for the Reg Ketteringham Community Award 2020.
The Reg Ketteringham Community Award 2020 was to be awarded to David Gardiner.

Cllr Carter would produce and present a certificate and would follow this up with a trophy once businesses were open.                                                                                 ACTION: Cllr Carter

  1. To receive updates on the village grass cutting.
    LCC Highways had advised that additional areas for grass cutting were to be added to the maps.  New maps were being sent out and their contribution to grass cutting costs would be increased.  A price for cutting the additional areas would then be agreed.                                                                                                                                                         ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

9.To consider the purchase of paint and wood stain for the play equipment.
Cllr Longson had obtained pricing for suitable wood stain.  Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to purchase red, green, blue and yellow stain.  ACTION: Clerk

10.To consider an offer to make a village entrance sign etc and a contribution towards the cost of materials
The Parish Council was very grateful of the offer but felt that the matter would require consultation with residents as well as approval from LCC Highways.  It was suggested that a contribution could however be made towards materials for a simple bench in the orchard if the resident chose to make that instead.

11.To consider the suitability of the noticeboard and/or the purchase of a replacement
Cllr Hodgson would look at the cost of repair and the matter would be discussed at the next meeting.                                                                                               ACTION: Cllr Hodgson

12.To consider the purchase of a sign for the village hall carpark
A quote was to be obtained for a new car park sign naming the Parish Council as owners of the carpark.  Cllr Lloyd would take down details of wording and size of the existing sign and the Clerk would obtain quotes.                                            ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Lloyd

13.To receive updates on the community support during the lockdown.
No updates received.

14.To receive information on the community defibrillator
A loan defibrillator had been installed whilst the parish defibrillator was being recalibrated.

15.To consider the purchase of a second speed indicator device.  Note that the purchase of one device has already been approved before lockdown but not yet ordered.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to transfer the required funds from reserves into the village maintenance budget and to purchase 2 speed indicator devices at a cost of £3,898.80.  The Clerk had requested a proforma invoice and would process this upon receipt.                                                                                                                           ACTION: Clerk

16.To consider a review of the legal documents for the Village Hall.
Cllrs Carter and Lloyd had reviewed the documents held.  Cllr Lloyd and the Clerk would attend the solicitors to enable work to be undertaken to clarify ownership.                                                                                                                                ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Lloyd

17.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only)
Cllr Carter reported that
- the school had successfully reopened to some pupils.
- the Bowls Club was no longer continuing.  Cllrs Carter and Lloyd would look into the requirement for trustees for funds held.  The Parish Council could consider becoming trustees at a future meeting.                                                            ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Carter
Cllr Gagg requested that the rendering plant be added to the next agenda.  It was noted that plans for the Skellingthorpe rendering plant were currently active for consultation.
Cllr Marris reported that
- a local farmer had volunteered to cut the playing field while it was not being used by the Riding Club.  He had also volunteered to donate any proceeds from selling the hay to a local group.
- an used litter bin had been found in storage and could be installed in the village.
Cllr Lloyd would ask developers for any updates on plans in the parish.



Received From




Land to rear of village hall



Village Boundary



Development Management Service



Advice and support on Covid-19 and social distancing in NK



Land to rear of village hall


Cllr Thompson

Updated LCC bus timetable info and posters from HealthWatch



Application 20/0628/LBC The Cottage 12 High Street Swinderby Lincoln















19.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 13th July 2020. This meeting to be held online.

Meeting closed 9.10 pm

Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..