March 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the Swinderby Parish Council Meeting

held at 7.30pm on 9 March 2020

at the SWINDERBY VILLAGE HALL, Bulpit Lane, Swinderby

Present: Cllrs G Lloyd (Chair), J Gagg, L Carter, R Hodgson, N Marris and S Longson
Clerk: S Aikman


  1. Public Forum
    Peter Sowerby gave a presentation on his vision for the development of the former Produce World site.  Proposed changes to the outline planning permission were described following a lack of interest in commercial properties and the inclusion of 2 additional areas of land that would ‘square-off’ the development area.
    A further new suggestion was introduced to the Parish Council that would include a new village hall and play area on the development in return for the Parish Council giving the developer the current village hall site and play area as areas for housing development.  It was stated that the plan would be to develop the Village Hall, car park and nearby housing before starting the rest of the development.  The roads would remain private and it was suggested that a service charge of approximately £15-20 per month, per house would be in place to cover maintenance.
    The Parish Council confirmed that the Play Area was now in the hands of Fields in Trust.
    A public consultation was suggested by the Parish Council and it was agreed that this would be held on Monday 6th April starting at 2pm and running until the start of the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm.
    A member of the public raised  the issue regarding the PC financially supporting  a website that would support a new co-ordinator of the CHOPs  in Swinderby. He was concerned that the issue was not on the agenda in February. A general discussion took place and one counsellor suggested a possibly way of funding the scheme without using Parish Funds. Furthermore, it was agreed to investigate further the issues regarding Swinderby Parish Council using monies in such a manner. It will be considered again at the next Parish meeting.

  2. To receive any apologies for absence
    Cllr G Shelbourn had sent his apologies, reasons accepted.

  3. To receive any declarations of interest


In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
None received.

  1. To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 10th February 2020, previously circulated to members
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that they were an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.


  1. To formally note Items of Income




Norton and District Riding Club

Field Rent 2019


Lost Village Festival



  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






Keepers Nursery

Fruit trees




Allen Signs

Play area sign





Tree stakes and guards




  1. To consider the renewal of LALC membership
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to renew the LALC membership for 2020-21.  The invoice would be paid from the current budget.

  2. To consider the cost of land registration of Parish Council owned land
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to register Parish Council owned land at an estimated cost of £1-1.5k

  3. To consider the purchase of plants for the school children to plant
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to spend up to £40 on plants

  4. To approve Items of Expenditure






AEB Landscapes

Zip wire repairs





Litter picking equipment and stationery





Swinderby Village Hall

Meeting room hire





S Aikman





Swinderby Village Hall

membership fee





Clerk’s salary including PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously and signed by the Chair.

  2. To review spend against budget
    Spend to date along with planned expenditure for the year was reviewed.

  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received





b.      Applications Decided

amended details

Part demolition of existing agricultural buildings and proposed barn conversion to form 2 private dwelling houses

Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Swinderby

No comments

7.To acknowledge receipt of Tree Preservation Order N757 Moor Lane, Swinderby

8.To consider the planting of a larger tree.
Suggestions were made including the Playing Field and the Churchyard.  It was acknowledged that permission would need to be sought for any planting in the Churchyard

9.To consider the draft Community Led Planning Document  
A discussion was held and it was agreed to ask for further information to be given on Neighbourhood Plans at the next meeting.                                                            ACTION: Clerk

10.To consider any updates on the application for approved positions of speed indicator devices and passive signs
Positions for the siting of a speed indicator device had been approved by the County Council.  Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to purchase a Speed Indicator Device at a cost of £1,995.                                                                                                                     ACTION: Clerk.

11.To consider plans for the play area including maintenance and cleaning of equipment
Following a discussion it was agreed to ask the Scouts if they would like to clean the play equipment and road signs.  Cllr Longson offered to re-stain the wooden play equipment.  Details of the proposed materials would be sent to the Clerk for checking with the play inspectors.                                                                   ACTION: Cllr Longson and the Clerk

12.To consider plans for the Annual Parish meeting to be held on 6th April 2020
It was agreed that an open invite would be put in the Linkup

13.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only)
Cllr Carter reported that she had advertised the Reg Ketteringham Community Award.
Cllr Gagg suggested looking at guidance for holding meetings during the Coronavirus epidemic.                                                                                                         ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Lloyd reported that:
- the remaining trees would be planted the next day.
- the school children would be planting their plants on 31st March
Cllr Marris reported that there was flooding near Ling Moor Farm due to a blocked culvert.



Received From




Lincoln Transport Strategy summary document



Full Lincoln Transport Strategy Document



New housing development



New transport strategy for Lincoln









15.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
The Annual Parish Meeting would be held at 7.30pm on Monday 6th April followed by the Parish Council meeting.

Meeting closed 9.10 pm


Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..