July 2020 Minutes



held at 7.30pm on 13 July 2020

Held remotely online



G Lloyd (Chair), J Gagg, L Carter, R Hodgson, N Marris and

S Longson



S Aikman

Also attended

Cllr M Thompson, LCC.  Cllr P Overton, NKDC

  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Thompson had sent in the following report:
    A full council meeting and AGM were held remotely on 26th June. Cllr Mike Brookes was elected as our new Chairman and Cllr Tony Bridges is Vice-Chairman. The meeting lasted for over 5 hours. As well as routine AGM business with council appointments the meeting included presentation and discussion of a report from Overview and Scrutiny covering the activities of all the council scrutiny committees. Details are available on the LCC website.
    LCC staff who are able to work from home during the Covid19 restrictions have been asked to continue to do so for the next six months. Although there has been some relaxation in Government advice it is hoped that sensible precautions will continue to be maintained and observed to prevent relapse and imposition of further restrictions to deal with this deadly disease.
    I have made contact with the new Police Inspector based at North Hykeham and hope that we can work together effectively to deal with issues affecting residents in our Division. Despite moves to recruit and deploy Lincolnshire Police resources are still stretched. The lack of a visible presence of uniformed officers was highlighted and this is indicative of two scenarios. One is that there are no immediate local targeted issues and officers are responding to other problems within the area. The second is that raised issues are being dealt with, but a visible presence may not be the most effective means. Examples of this there have been a number of recent incidents in local communities which have been attended by plain clothes officers and where arrests have been made. This is thought to be a more effective way of resolving these situations. 
    Highways Update. Community Maintenance Teams.
    These were set up as part of the new management and contract arrangements for Highways commencing from 1st April 2020. More flexibility is allowed in undertaking local works within the scope shown below. County Councillors will be contacted in advance of the works in their division which in Eagle & Hykeham West is planned for November/December 2020. This work is in addition to ongoing scheduled works and dealing with reported faults and these should continue to be made via FixMyStreet.  Parish Council and Councillors may wish to highlight for me any local issues to enable me to discuss these with our Highways Manager later in the year before the works begin.
    Cllr Overton reported that recycling centres are now open with time slots for the disposal of different types of waste.
  2. To receive any apologies for absence
  3. To receive any declarations of interest
  4. To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 8th June 2020 previously circulated to members.
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 8 June 2020 were an accurate record of the meeting.
  5. Finance
    a. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






Fenland Leisure

Play equipment stain




Unipart Dorman

2 x Speed indicator devices plus fixings





Bank charge




Trent Valley IDB

Drainage rates




         Clerk’s salary including PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To consider a quote for a new carpark sign
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to accept a quote of £77.52 plus vat for a new carpark sign.
  2. To approve Items of Expenditure






J Trafford

Materials for bench




Allen signs

Village Hall carpark sign





Account charge




S Aikman





  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.
  2. To review spend against budget
    Spend to date along with planned expenditure for the year was reviewed.
  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received


Conversion of existing barn and outbuildings into1no. dwelling

Five Acres, 44 Station Road


b.    Applications Decided






7.To consider a request to purchase an additional bin near the Dovecote Public House
It was noted that the Parish Council had a spare bin.  The Clerk would contact NKDC to confirm that the bin was suitable and to ensure that the position for siting the bin was approved.                                                                                                           ACTION: Clerk

The Clerk would send Cllr Overton all related paperwork.  Concerns were raised that moving the footpath could lose the relevence of the 2015 Heritage Statement in regards to the limit of the nearby building.  Cllr Lloyd would write to NKDC to raise these concerns.                                                                                                                              ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Lloyd

9.To consider any updates on the new Parish Council website.
The Clerk reported that training had been rescheduled for the new website.  Clerk’s who had already attended training had reported that the training had been insufficient for those without website building skills and that a significant amount of time was needed to transfer material to the new website.  Councillors reported that help may be available in the parish if needed.

10.To consider any updates on an Emergency Plan
Cllrs Carter and Lloyd had been working on a simple chart to support residents at times of emergency.  The plan would go out to all households and be promoted in the Linkup.  Cllr Carter would contact the Emergency Planning team for NKDC and the matter would be discussed in more detail at the September meeting.

11.To consider any updates on repair or replacement of the village noticeboard
It was reported that no manufacturer’s details could be found.  Cllr Gagg notes that the existing noticeboard could be secured back in position with the correct fastenings.                                                                                                            ACTION: Cllrs Hodgson and Gagg

12.To consider any updates on parish trees
Cllrs Lloyd and Marris would update the survey on parish trees.

13.To consider any requests for community support.
A request had been received to use some of the funding given by the Parish Council for activities for the community.
Suggestions to go into the next linkup to see how they were supported:
A coffee morning on Zoom
An evening on zoom - e.g. cocktail party 
Bingo game
Sarah Markall reported:
I am conscious that not everyone will have internet access but will try and make it easy for those who do and maybe haven't zoomed before. I am also looking at ways for people to be able to dial in by phone to a kind of conference call. It may be quite funny but I think it may be worth trying. 
For the bingo - I would ask for participants in advance and drop a bingo card to their address in advance. 
For the quiz I would make it available online and as a print out so anyone not online can do it - it will be local knowledge with a bonus round on village landmarks that can be answered on daily walks etc
For the Crochet - I would find a fun pattern - maybe bunting or a mandala - and make it available through the internet or as a printed off pattern. I would also offer small crochet packs to anyone who wanted to buy one (at cost) of a couple of yarns and a hook - or people could use what they already have.
These events are partly for community spirit and partly as a way to make contact with people in the village to check how they're doing. I thought I would use some of the phoneline money the PC so kindly gifted which hasn't yet been used. E.g. I may buy a months subscription to Zoom to see how it works out.
I will of course keep the phoneline up and running for the foreseeable future. I'm waiting to hear from Collingham on the longer-term plans for the prescription service.

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to agree to the use of the funding for community support as suggested.

14.To receive information on the community defibrillator
No return date received yet for the defibrillator that is being repaired.

15.To consider the need for Trustees for Swinderby Bowls Club
Cllrs Lloyd and Carter were supporting the bowls club in a personal capacity and not as Parish Councillors.  They were currently looking at the cost of obtaining Title Absolute for the assets and grounds and would then refer back to the Parish Council and the Bowls Club for a long term solution.

16.To consider any updates for the rendering plant
No updates.

17.To consider quotes for repairs to the play equipment and the requirements for re-opening the play area
Quotes not yet received.
The play area had been re-opened following Government guidance.

18.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only)
Cllr Longson asked for additional bins to be on the next agenda.
Cllr Carter reported that
- the school was open and functioning well.
- the Community Award had been presented and a write-up would be in the Linkup
Cllr Marris reported that the playing field had been cut and a contribution was being given from the volunteer to the Linkup from sale of the hay.
Cllr Hodgson reported that the Village Hall was as Covid-19 secure as possible.
Cllr Lloyd was continuing to work with the grass cutters



Received From




Application 20/0517/FUL The Old Vicarage 61 High Street Swinderby.  Amended plans



New model code of conduct consultation


The Pensions Regulator

Acknowledgement of updated re-declaration



Request for additional Parish litter bin


PKF Littlejohn LLP

Data logged – notification of exempt status



Construction of new A46 Dunholme/Welton roundabout



Display of footpath notice and order


Resident and Police response

Concerns regarding possible illegal parking and lack of adherence to COVID rules. No breaking of the rules with COVID , illegal parking should be reported on 101.





Cllr Thompson

Surface Dressing Works - Your Division



LIVES Everyday Heroes



Lincolnshire's Police & Crime Commissioners Fraud Survey



Diversion of Swinderby PF No.7

20.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 14th September 2020. This meeting to be held online.

Meeting closed 8.55 pm

Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..