January 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the Swinderby Parish Council meeting held at 7.30pm on 13 January 2020

at the SWINDERBY VILLAGE HALL, Bulpit Lane, Swinderby

Present:Cllrs G Lloyd (Chair), J Gagg, L Carter, R Hodgson and N Marris

Clerk: S Aikman

In Attendabnce: Cllr P Overton (NKDC), Cllr M Thompson (LCC)


1.Public Forum
A parishioner brought forward an idea for a ‘Reg Ketteringham Memorial Trophy’ that could be awarded to the person that has done the most good for the village each year.  The idea was well received by Councillors and those public attending.  The item would be added to the next agenda so that all necessary matters could be considered.

Cllr Sally Appleby had sent in the following report:
Boundary Review

A review is underway into the size of Council electoral wards to make sure each councillor represents a roughly equal number of votes.

The Commissions public consultation on the proposals opens on the 7th January and will close on the 16th March. Any comments should be sent to The Local Government Boundary Commission, North Kesteven is not running this consultation. We have 43 current Councillors with 26 wards. With 1, 2 or 3 members depending on the population.

Household Survey

 We have to date received over 1,700 responses from residents across the district. Please see the attached poster which you place on your notice boards in your town and villages. The closing date for the survey is 11.59pm Friday 31st January 2020.

Cllr Mike Thompson had sent in the following report:
Lincolnshire County Council meeting 11/12/19

A full Council meeting took place on Wednesday 11th December 2019. This was brought forward due to the General Election and was required despite restrictions on public affairs during the election period in order to conduct urgent business of the full County Council.

The most important item was to ratify the Appointments’ Committee decision on the selection and appointment of the new Chief Executive, Debbie Barnes OBE.

Other issues raised were the County Council Corporate plan, Climate Change and carbon reduction report and future management plans

A motion proposed by the Labour Group requested the County Council write to the new incoming HM Government setting out concerns of LCC. These included fairer funding for Local Government, devolution, funding for Adult Social Care and preventative services. An amendment was tabled requesting the inclusion of removal of the cap on Internal Drainage Boards in dealing with flooding. Both the amendment and the motion were carried unanimously.



Major new contracts for Highways works will become live on 1st April. In addition, local teams will have a budget to do village / parish wide works, from small area patching to kerbing, footway patching and minor drainage schemes. This will allow small works packages to be put together, in the knowledge that there will not be a wait (up to 3 years previously) for these types of schemes to be included in countywide programmes. This will allow many smaller issues in the same village / parish to be addressed in one go, which will help everyone.

A briefing was held for County Councillors to inform about changes in Management arrangements and to highlight what is intended to be a focused Customer engagement and liaison strategy. It is suggested that PCs :

Ensure that the CSC/FixMyStreet is used for Faults

Escalate more complex issues though County Councillor

Request ad hoc meetings with Local Highways Manager facilitated through LCC Councillor

Consider organized events LALC, walkabouts etc.

Cllr Peter Overton gave the following report:
The proposed Villa Farm rendering site had received 3 main objections on the proposed plans and location.  A decision will be made on 3rd February 2020.

North Kesteven District Council were looking at new wards.  A decision will be made in 12 month’s time.


Cllr Lloyd would send Cllr Overton the comments made at the meeting regarding the Produce World site.                                                                                                        ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

  1. To receive any apologies for absence
    Cllr Shelbourn had sent his apologies, reasons accepted.
  2. To receive any declarations of interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
None received.

  1. To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 9 December 2019, previously circulated to members
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that they were an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.
  1. To consider moving into closed session.
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move this matter to the end of the meeting.
  2. To consider any expressions of interest received for co-option of a new Councillor
    2 applications had been received.
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move this matter to the end of the meeting.

    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move item 10 to this point in the meeting.
    10. To consider any updates on the proposed development of the former Produce World site
    Approximately 100 people had attended a public meeting on the Produce World Site proposals.  Comments received had been sent to the owner who will respond to these before submitting detailed plans.  The Parish Councillors would hold an informal meeting to allow time for detailed discussions prior to bringing the matter back to a Parish Council meeting for consideration.

    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move item 13 to this point in the meeting.
    13. To consider an offer to make planters for the village
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to accept the offer from a resident to make planters for the village and to pay £100 towards materials.


  1. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:







Bank charges



£             18.00

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure






Swinderby Village Hall

Hall hire

 £               14.00


 £               14.00

AEB Landscapes

Grass cutting

 £             206.26


 £             206.26


Survey for speed indicator device

 £               40.00


 £               40.00

J Trafford

Materials to make planters

 £             100.00


 £             100.00

Clerk’s salary including PAYE, pension and expenditure approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously and signed by the Chair.
  2. To review spend against budget
    Spend to date along with planned expenditure for the year was reviewed.
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move the unused tree budget to allow a Speed indicator Device to be purchased from the current budget.  A further Speed Indicator Device would be considered during 2020/21 from reserves.
  3. To consider additional grass cutting for LCC
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to undertake the additional grass cutting.
  4. To consider grassing cutting tenders and potential award of contract
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to appoint a new contractor for 2020.  The new contractor would be using their own machinery and the Parish Council’s mower would be put into storage for the coming year.
    ACTION: Clerk to issue contract with Glendale.  Clerk to arrange safe storage of the mower.
  5. To consider Parish precept requirements for 2020/21 and complete the precept request
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to request a precept of £19,632 for 2020/21.  The Clerk would submit the form to NKDC.                                               ACTION:  Clerk
  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received


Notification of Receipt of Application for an order to Stop Up or Divert a Footpath, Bridleway or Byway


No comments.


Part demolition of existing agricultural buildings and proposed barn conversion to form 2 private dwelling houses

Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Swinderby

No comments


Erection of a single storey side and rear extensions
Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information

16 Manor Road Swinderby

No comments

b.      Applications Decided





  1. To consider the 10-week public consultation on proposals for new council wards and ward boundaries for North Kesteven District Council (closing 16 March 2020)

10.To consider any updates on the proposed development of the former Produce World site.
Item had been moved to earlier in the meeting.

11.To consider any updates on plans for the rendering plant
A strong letter had been sent to the planning authority from Historic England in relation to the site.

12.To consider any updates regarding a requested tree preservation order on a Sweet Chestnut at Meadow View
The Parish Council supported the request for a TPO and would contact the tree officer.  ACTION: Clerk

  1. To consider an offer to make planters for the village
    Item had been moved to earlier in the meeting.
  2. To devise a plan to plant more trees in the parish as supported by the Lost Village
    It was reported that the Lost Village had offered £500 each year.  It was agreed to purchase 3 larger trees so that a mixture would be provided when combined with the 100 small trees coming from the Woodland Trust. It was suggested that fruit trees should also be considered, possibly on the playing field.
    The parish Council would meet at the playing field to decide on locations for some of the planting.  Planting would take place in March and would involve families as well as the school.
  1. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only)
    Cllr Carter reported that she would be talking to the school children about potential plans for new play equipment.  Cllrs Carter and Hodgson would undertake the Clerk’s annual appraisal.

    Cllr Gagg reported that the Spring litter pick would take place on 15th March 2020.

    Cllr Lloyd reported that:
    - the Parish information had been updated with NKDC.
    - The parishioners were looking at ways forward for arranging joint domestic oil deliveries.
    - an additional street light had been requested again from The Grange to the High Street.
  2. Correspondence


Received From



Cllr M Thompson

PL/0036/18 Villa Farm rendering site



Clustering Conclusion



Annual Training scheme



Household Survey 2019 - North Kesteven District Council



Offer to make flower boxes



Public meeting



A46 Riseholme Roundabout improvements to start next month


Environment Agency

Deadline extension for previously exempt abstraction activity licence applications












17.Date of next meeting and future agenda items
Parish Council meeting 10 February 2020

To consider moving into closed session.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to move into closed session to consider any expressions of interest received for co-option of a new Councillor.
Two applications had been received.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to offer the position to Simon Longson.


Meeting closed 9.20 pm

Signed…………………………………………          Date……………………………..