December 2022 Minutes




held on 12th December 2022

Held at Swinderby Village Hall


Present:  Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson, N Marris, J Gagg and G Beales.

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr P Overton (NKDC), and 2 members of the public.

Public Forum

Cllr Thompson had sent his apologies.

Cllr Appleby had sent in the following report:
Household Support fund
In May 2022, the Chancellor announced that there would be a third round of the Household Support Fund to cover the period from October 2022 to March 2023. Lincolnshire had been allocated £5.46m for this third round of Household Support funding. This time, the government has not ringfenced any of this funding for particular groups of people. However, local authorities are asked to give particular consideration to groups who may not have benefitted from any of the recent cost-of-living support. On this basis, Lincolnshire County Council is currently working with district councils to identify and agree on the most appropriate method of distributing this grant funding, as there is also a requirement to provide access to the funding via an application process.

The NK Plan 2023-26 was approved by the Board for consultation and the Plan’s recent annual refreshes have been supported by significant resident survey responses alongside consultations with a range of other stakeholder groups. Despite the challenges of Covid a significant resident response was still achieved as part of the 2021-24 development cycle; supporting the changes made within the NK Plan’s priorities and ambitions in terms of tackling climate change and recovering from the impacts of Covid-19. The changes proposed within the NK Plan 2023-26 are to capture the economic challenges for both residents and businesses. National polls continue to highlight the cost of living challenges as a key concern across every region of the nation with no reason to expect that residents within the District are an outlier, and given the interactions that elected members to have within their wards, plus that of a range of partners who interact with a wide range of communities within the district a council survey seeking re-affirmation would not seem necessary.  As such consultation with Elected Members; colleagues; and partners (via the Community Development Partnership) would find to be a more considered approach with this carried out in late autumn of this year supported by the Corporate Information team.

Financial Performance 2022/23 
The Council is experiencing cost increases resulting from rising inflation – this will be monitored and reported throughout the 2022/23 financial year and factored into the budget setting. The balanced budget that has been set for 2022/23 has limited balances and reserves. Therefore, any potential overspending will need to be monitored and managed as the impact on the Council’s finances could be significant. The impacts of Covid-19 and the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ have created a new financial reality that deviates from those situations and scenarios expected at the budget production and setting stages.

Cllr Overton reported that:
Government limits on housing are advisory. NKDC has already been building above the advisory numbers.  Good standards of insulation are required for new properties, but funding has not changed.
Anglian Water has been invited to advise regarding effluent disposal into rivers through outflows.  He stated that the real issue is the archaic infrastructure therefore fining companies is not the solution.  Drainage rates are likely to increase significantly as pumping costs will go up with the increase in the cost of electricity.


1. To receive any apologies for absence

2.To receive any declarations of interest

3.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14th November 2022 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 14th November 2022 were an accurate record of the meeting.
It was noted that the following actions had been undertaken:
- Bin installed near the Dovecote
- Letters sent to residents regarding gardens and road safety
- Further email sent to Severn Trent as no response received yet regarding water issues
- Cllrs Gagg and Beales had the swing replacement parts and would be fitting them
- Cllr Hodgson had cut the hedge in the Village Hall carpark                             


  1. To formally note Items of Income
    In was noted that in addition to the income shown below further receipts were due in as follows:

    £174 contribution to litter picking from NKDC





Grass cutting contribution


Groundwork UK

Neighbourhood Planning grant



Community Infrastructure Levy


  1. To formally approve items of expenditure:






Visual print & design

Consultation papers printing

 £             88.00


 £            88.00


3-year Anti-virus

 £             59.43

£     11.89

 £            71.32


Litter bin

 £           228.50

 £    45.70

 £          274.20

Swinderby Village Hall

Meeting room hire

 £             90.00


£             90.00

S Aikman


 £           130.00


£           130.00

        Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  3. To consider a payment to the Clerk for additional work undertaken
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to pay the Clerk an additional £500 for extra work undertaken.

  4. To consider renewing the Fields in Trust membership
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to renew the Fields in Trust membership. Terms of the Fields in Trust would be added to the agenda for the January meeting.

  5. To consider the quote for tree works in the play area on the boundary with Holt Farm Paddock.
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to accept a quote of £850 for work on 4 field maples and 1 cherry tree on the play area.
    A donation of £100 had been offered by a resident following agreement to undertake the above works.   The donation would be used towards fruit trees for the orchard.

  6. To consider the draft budget for 2023/24
    This matter would be considered at the January meeting.

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received


Outline planning application for the erection of five self-build dwellings, reconfiguring of the garage and garden of 18 High Street and vehicular parking area for the neighbouring playing fields.

Land To the rear of 18 High Street, Swinderby, Lincoln

Objection – PC stance on back yard development, number of properties, proposed carpark on private land, right of vehicle access held by Parish Council, access for emergency vehicles to the play area


Erection of 148 dwellings with associated outbuildings/garages and landscaping/open space and affordable housing and including conversion of existing (retained) building to shop and offices

Produce World Ltd, Moor Lane, Swinderby, Lincoln, Lincolnshire


The Parish Council had responded to the Statement of community involvement report written in September 2022 by Grace Machin Planning and Property.  They had also responded to the Planning Justification Statement and Design and Access Statement made by the developer.
Results of the Parish Council consultation would be submitted to NKDC planning along with a statement of methodology and key findings. Of the ninety-five surveys returned 64 (67%) objected to the application, 30 (32%) were in support with 1 neutral comment. NKDC had advised that an extension of the determination date for the planning application had been agreed until the 28th February 2023 as an aid to further negotiations with regard to community support and an acceptable layout.  


b.   Applications Decided


Proposed three new dwellings. Consisting of conversion of existing garage into a house and the change of design from previously approved single house into two houses.

Green Heart,
4 High Street Swinderby, Lincoln


6.To receive updated Register of Interests from Councillors following the adoption of the updated NKDC Code of Conduct.
All forms had now been submitted to NKDC.

7.To consider arranging a First Aid course through LIVES.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to arrange a course for up to 12 people and to make the necessary donation to LIVES.

8. To consider the next steps in developing a Neighbourhood Plan.
A meeting of the steering group had been planned for Wednesday 14th December.

9. To consider plans for dealing with moles on the play area.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to accept a quote of £100 per month for 6 months for dealing with moles on the play area and playing field.

10. To consider ideas from Councillors for poppy display items for future Remembrance Days.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to order 20 large poppies for lamp posts.  ACTION: Clerk 
Councillors would look at the cost of purchasing silhouettes of soldiers for display.                                                                                                                               ACTION: ALL

11. To respond to a request for emergency planning information to be sent to Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Service at Lincolnshire County Council.
Cllr Lloyd would respond.                                                             ACTION: Cllr Lloyd.

12. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Marris reported that he had been successful in obtaining a £900 grant from The Lost Village for purchasing a composting toilet for the play area.  A sign would be obtained to acknowledge this generous donation. Cllr Longson and Cllr Lloyd would move the bench to allow for a suitable location for the toilet.  Cllr Marris would remove the concrete base.                                                                                ACTION: Cllrs Longson, Lloyd and Marris
Cllr Carter reported on the progress of the new sign to be made from the school children’s artwork.  Cllr Marris would measure the space available for the sign so that the correct size could be ordered by the Clerk.                               ACTION: Cllr Marris and the Clerk
Cllr Lloyd reported that he had visited 70 High Street as the property had received an award for low carbon emissions and sustainable building.

13. Correspondence

To note correspondence received.


Received From



Smaller Authorities' Audit Appointments Limited

PKF Littlejohn appointed as external auditors

14. Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 16th January 2023.

Following a vote the meeting moved into closed session and discussions were held about additional meetings with the developer for planning application 22/1376/FUL.

Meeting closed at 9.50pm



Signed…………………………………………    Date……………………………..