November 2022 Minutes
MINUTES OF THE SWINDERBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 14th November 2022 held at Swinderby Village Hall
Present: Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. R Hodgson, S Longson, N Marris and G Beales.
Clerk: S Aikman
Also in attendance: Cllr P Overton (NKDC), Cllr M Thompson (LCC) and 3 members of the public.
Public Forum
Cllr Thompson had sent in the following report:
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Community Risk Management Plan
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue develops a Community Risk Management Plan every four years. Work has started on the next CRMP which will be published in April 2024. The plan weighs up the biggest risks to people, places and the environment and explains how resources will be used to reduce those risks and keep people in Lincolnshire safe.
Data is used to understand the risks, but what you tell us is vital. This first stage will help us understand more about what you see as the main risks.
The CRMP engagement survey is about identifying what people in Lincolnshire think are the greatest fire risks to them and is open for responses until 2pm on Wednesday 7thDecember 2022.You can find more information, and the opportunity to participate here:
Cllr Appleby had sent in the following report:
The Executive Board at their meeting on 1st November approved the Lincolnshire Homeless Strategy 2022/27. The Homelessness Act 2002 requires that all Local Authorities carry out a review of homelessness in their areas, to formulate and publish a strategy based on the findings. The strategy is the 5th document that has been developed by all Lincolnshire Housing Authorities, in partnership with our stakeholders and has been formulated following the strategy review. The aim is protecting the most vulnerable and ensuring individuals are safe from harm, and have safe access to the support and services to maintain their health and wellbeing. The strategy strengthens and maintains the relationships by bringing partnership resources together in preventing and relieving homelessness. The plan is to take a proactive and joined-up approach to tackle rough sleeping and homelessness and explore funding opportunities to ensure we meet the needs of all client groups.
The Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) sets out the Council’s clear commitment to providing quality services which represent value for money for a district of flourishing communities. It builds on the achievements of the past and sets out a clear direction for the future in conjunction with the Council’s NK Plan. The Council’s long-term financial approach has put it in a strong position to ride out the current economic challenges arising from inflation, supply issues and a slowdown in economic activity. The Council has incredibly ambitious plans supported by a significant investment programme. This has been underpinned by sound finances which, in part, have been achieved through taking a proactive approach to financial management and by seeking to address future issues had on rather than shy away from them.
Cost of Living Strategy and Tackling Inequalities
The Cost-of-Living Strategy and Tackling Inequalities and Financial Inclusion reports were approved by the board on 1st November they specifically focused on addressing poverty and understanding and mitigating the effects of the rising cost of living for people of all ages and personal circumstances. The impacts of poverty and the increasing cost of living could result in people experiencing multiple disadvantages through unemployment, living in poor quality housing, inadequate healthcare, exclusion, discrimination and barriers to lifelong learning, culture, sport and recreation, whilst limiting the ability to participate and feel valued and included in society. Within the Cost-of-Living Strategy, a strategic action plan is included demonstrating the Council’s commitment to residents and businesses. The Cost of Living Working Group will explore and deliver operational actions aligned to each of the areas detailed in the Strategy.
The rising costs of fuel, food and other essentials are combined with existing disadvantages and vulnerability within our communities to put many households at greater risk of both immediate hardship and reduced opportunity and well-being.
Cllr Overton reported that:
NKDC had £7,500 through the Rural England Prosperity Fund. Businesses could apply for funding form 1st April 2023 for capital investment.
The clear Climate Declaration made by NKDC three years ago had not all been completed. Cllr Overton was asking NKDC what was happening about their commitment to an outreach programme for businesses and the public.
A resident requested works to be undertaken on the field maples on the Play Area near Holt Farm Paddock. Cllr Lloyd agreed that the trees had grown substantially and reported that quotes had already been received for the work. The matter would be considered under agenda item 7. The resident offered to work with the community on the matter and to plant some trees elsewhere.
1. To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr J Gagg
2. To receive any declarations of interest
3. To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 10th October 2022 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 10th October 2022 were an accurate record of the meeting.
4. Finance
a. To formally note Items of Income
In was noted that in addition to the VAT refund shown below further receipts were due in as follows:
£6,736 Neighbourhood Planning grant towards professional support
£318.45 contribution to grass cutting from LCC
£174 contribution to litter picking from NKDC
£1,005.43 Community Infrastructure Levy
Income |
Total |
VAT reclaim |
£3,542.12 |
b. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:
Payee |
Details |
Net |
Total |
Laptop maintenance |
£ 40.00 |
£ 8.00 |
£ 48.00 |
RBL Poppy Appeal |
Donation |
£ 25.00 |
nil |
£ 25.00 |
Swinderby V Hall |
Meeting room |
£ 36.00 |
nil |
£ 36.00 |
A4 Paper |
£ 24.40 |
£ 4.88 |
£ 29.28 |
Eibe |
Pendulum seat |
£ 184.00 |
£ 36.80 |
£ 220.80 |
S Aikman |
Expenses |
£ 103.00 |
nil |
£ 103.00 |
Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously
c. To approve Items of Expenditure
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the payments below
Payee |
Details |
Net |
Total |
None |
d. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.
e. To review spend against budget
f. To consider the quote for updating the laptop anti-virus licence
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to update the anti-virus licence for 3 years at a cost of £59.43 + vat.
g. To consider a grass cutting quote for 2023
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept the quote received for this year from the current contractors and go out to tender for 2024. Discussions would be held with the contractor about timings for cuts and appropriate length of cut for different conditions through the grass cutting season.
h. To consider the draft budget for 2023/24
The Clerk had prepared a draft budget and this would be considered further by all Councillors prior to the next meeting.
ACTION: All Councillors
5. Planning
a) Applications Received
22/1376/FUL |
Erection of 148 dwellings with associated outbuildings/garages and landscaping/open space and affordable housing and including conversion of existing (retained) building to shop and offices |
Produce World Ltd, Moor Lane, Swinderby, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN6 9LX |
Detailed responses to the applicants consultation and below. An extension until 21.12.2022 for the Parish Council response to the application had been agreed with NKDC Planning. |
22/0009/LDEXI Notification of appeal |
Appeal Reference APP/R2520/X/22/3308561 |
The Piggeries, Cow Lane, Swinderby, Lincoln |
No comment |
22/1558/OUT |
Outline planning application for the erection of five self-build dwellings, reconfiguring of the garage and garden of 18 High Street and vehicular parking area for the neighbouring playing fields (outline with all matters reserved) |
Land To the rear of 18 High Street, Swinderby, Lincoln |
Objection – PC stance on infill, number of properties , proposed carpark on private land, right of vehicle access held by Parish Council, access for emergency vehicles to the play area |
b. Applications Decided
22/1080/FUL |
Proposed three new dwellings. Consisting of conversion of existing garage into a house and the change of design from previously approved single house into two houses. |
Green Heart, |
Approved |
6. To receive updated Register of Interests from Councillors following the adoption of the updated NKDC Code of Conduct.
Reminder given for remaining forms.
7. To consider a request for tree works in the play area on the boundary with Holt Farm Paddock.
Quotes had already been obtained for works to these trees and following a vote it was unanimously resolved to have the tops and sides of the trees trimmed by 2-3 metres where needed.
The Parish Council welcomed the offer, from the resident who had requested works, of purchasing trees for another area. It was agreed that a donation towards additional fruit trees for the Station Road orchard would be welcomed.
8. To consider the next steps in developing a Neighbourhood Plan.
A grant has been awarded and the monies were due to be transferred into the bank. Most of the funds would go toward the consultant’s fees. Further grants can be applied for as we progress.
The housing needs analysis had now started – see below. It is a desk top analysis and will focus on two key issues. It is about identifying and meeting a need.
Affordability - key drivers are shared ownership, local availability and maybe rented accommodation.
Type and size of houses on offer. This will include an age profile of the parish and future populations. Will there be a need for specialist housing for older people?
Needs are identified and then addressed in the Neighbourhood Plan. It could take up to 14 weeks to complete but then it is available to use before eventually being included in the Plan. The plan will cover up to 2040.
9. To provide feedback on the Pink Chestnut tree that was planted by the Parish for the Coronation of Elizabeth II.
This matter was now being dealt with by LCC Highways as the land is adopted them.
10. To consider actions required to enable an application to be made to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for an access gate and footpath at the Playing Field.
Deferred until a future meeting.
11. Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Marris had applied for a Lost Village grant towards the cost of a composting toilet for the Jubilee Play Area.
Cllr Longson had reported the potholes in the layby outside the school again.
Cllr Carter showed the drawings children had completed for a sign for the Jubilee Play Area. It was agreed that a sign with all of their drawings would be wonderful for the Play Area. The Clerk would try and get a quote for producing a sign as displayed. Cllr Thompson reported that it may be possible to apply to the Community Wildlife Grant for funding for the sign.
Cllr Carter thanked the Clerk for the work undertaken on recent planning applications and suggested an additional payment or time off in lieu for the additional work. The councillors agreed on an honorarium payment that could be considered at the next meeting.
NKDC had reported that the litter bin by the Dovecote had been damaged and was beyond repair. The Clerk would arrange for this to be replaced and ask for the new bin to be positioned further back from the road.
Cllr Lloyd suggested that we identified large poppies to be purchased for attaching to lampposts for future Remembrance Days. A discussion was also held about silhouette soldiers. All to look for ideas.
12. Correspondence
To note correspondence received.
Date |
Received From |
Description |
10.10.2022 |
I Dig Trees -Free trees for public areas |
11.10.2022 |
Resident |
Trees on Holt Farm Paddock |
12.10.2022 |
Anglian Water |
Anglian Water’s proposal for a new reservoir in Lincolnshire: consultation launch |
21.10.2022 |
National Highways |
A46 Newark Bypass - Notification of Statutory Consultation |
08.11.2022 |
Cllr Thompson, LCC |
Funding available to support Warm Spaces |
09.11.2022 |
ENF 669627c - update on enforcement investigation Cow Lane Swinderby |
Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 12th December 2022.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm