March 2022 Minutes




held on 14th March 2022

Held at Swinderby Village Hall
Present: Cllr G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. N Marris, G Beales, R Hodgson, J Gagg and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr M Thompson (LCC), Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 1 member of the public

Public Forum

Cllr Overton reported that:.
NKDC were managing the Ukraine ‘Open our Doors’ project to give £350 per month to those offering space in their home to a Ukrainian family.
- The Draft Lincolnshire Local Plan showed 32k more dwellings by 2036.  There was no effective cap for small villages meaning that increases could be beyond 10%
- Lincolnshire had the worst unclassified roads in the country although A and B roads were reasonable.
- There are 4,850 Council houses and several of these were poor in terms of insulation. NKDC were looking at a way forward.
- It is possible that the planning committee will have reduced numbers although Councillors who represent wards will be given 5 minutes to speak at relevant planning committee meetings.

Cllr Thompson reported that:
County Council full council meeting held on 18th February 2022
The main item of the meeting was to debate and vote on the proposed County Budget for 22/23. It had been proposed that the increase would be limited to a 3% rise for Adult Social Care which had been deferred from 2021. The withdrawal of £12M funding by central government from LCC Highways grant had been made up from council reserves to enable repairs to continue but could not be repeated. 

To maintain the level of road maintenance and other services, without substantial reduction, a 2% increase in general council tax would be required. Council recognised that residents will be affected by this, but road maintenance is considered a priority by communities and the additional increase was agreed by majority recorded vote. LCC was actively campaigning for the funding to be restored but has been unsuccessful. LCC council tax remains one of the lowest of shire counties and the LCC increase equates to £1 per week for a band D property.

ULHT Public consultation on Nuclear Medicine services
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust is running a 12-week public consultation into the future of its nuclear medicine service.

The service is currently provided from three hospitals in Lincolnshire: Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham and District Hospital and Pilgrim Hospital, Boston. The service sees around 2,500 patients per year for very specialist tests.

The service has long faced challenges around staffing, aging equipment and sustainability, and therefore it has been deemed unsustainable in its current format.

The consultation has been launched on identified options to reduce the number of hospital sites that the service could be delivered from in future.

The options which have been developed by hospital clinicians, and shaped by patient representatives are:
- Option 1: Centralisation of the service at Lincoln
- Option 2: Centralisation of the service at two sites, Lincoln and Pilgrim

Feedback can be provided in the following three ways:
- Survey form:
- Come along to a virtual consultation event on Microsoft Teams, details below:
Monday 28 March- 3pm-4pm
Wednesday 13 April- 6.30pm-7.30pm
Tuesday 3 May- 3pm-4pm

- Invite us to one of your meetings by emailing

LCC Civic Service 13th March 2022
The Annual County Council Civic Service was held yesterday in St Hugh's Choir at Lincoln Cathedral after 2 years cancellation due to Covid 19. It was well attended. The main themes were the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the situation in Ukraine. Council Chairman Mike Brookes gave his thanks for support during his term of Office and the sermon from the Bishop of Lincoln summed up thoughts and hopes for the future.

  1. To receive any apologies for absence

2.To receive any declarations of interest

3.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14th February 2022 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 14th February 2022 were an accurate record of the meeting.


  1. To formally note Items of Income





Litter picking contribution



  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






K J Isaaks (Smartwheelie)

30mph stickers for wheelie bins

 £             89.00



Taylor Tree Services

Topping conifers in Village Hall carpark

 £           480.00



Taylor Tree Services

Tree works

 £       1,210.00



G Lloyd

Repayment for Ashridge Nurseries (2 x Pear trees and tree guards)

 £           114.80





Swinderby Village Hall

Meeting room hire

 £             18.00





 £             11.25



        Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure
    .Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the payments below

Payment ref









 £             13.50


  1. To report on the NALC National Salary award 2021/22
    It was reported that the National Salary award from April 2021 was 1.75%

  2. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  3. To review spend against budget

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received

21/1580/FUL amended

Alterations to existing cottage, demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a new bungalow and detached dwelling – amended plans

23 & 25 High Street, Swinderby

No comments
It was suggested that a black mulberry could be planted at the village orchard as a Mulberry was being removed to allow for the development


Application for a lawful development certificate for an existing use for the use of the land as a domestic garden

The Piggeries, Cow Lane, Swinderby

The Clerk would confirm details with NKDC planning


Application for a certificate of lawfulness in relation to existing use of the site for C2 ‘residential school’ purposes including associated residential accommodation

Kisimul School High Street Swinderby Lincoln

It was the understanding of Swinderby Parish Council that on the balance of probabilities Kisimul School and the associated accommodation as outlined in the planning application 22/0190/LDEX1 has been used for the intended purposes and for the stipulated period of time. The parish council can provide no tangible evidence to validate this statement.

b.    Applications Decided

PL/0084/21 –

To vary conditions 2, 5, 14 and 40 of planning permission 19/0439/CCC – to allow the use of conveyors to transport mineral on site and minor changes to phasing amendments

Swinderby Quarry, Camp Road, Witham St Hughs

Permission granted


Proposed first floor and single storey rear extensions and construction of detached garage/workshop

The Cot,
Newark Road,


6. To consider any updates to approved outline planning permission 17/0603/OUT and to sections of the S106 agreement that was signed 21.12.2017.
No updates had been received. 

7.To consider and respond to the Parish Agreement letter for 2022-23 grass cutting
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to continue with the Parish Agreement and the signed agreement would be returned.                                                                      ACTION: Clerk

8.To report on any updates to the Treescapes scheme.
All works had been completed.  The Parish Council had been asked to water the trees.

9.To consider a request for funding from the Norton Disney History and Archaeology Group.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved not to fund the project further.

10.To review and update the Environmental Plan.
Cllr Lloyd would be updating the plan to show the objectives achieved.  All councillors to contribute to the new direction needed including celebrations of achievements.                                                                                                                                       ACTION: All Councillors

11.To report on any updates to the installation of new equipment on the Play Area.
Cllr Carter will chase the company again.

12.To consider plans and agree a date for the Annual Parish meeting.
The Parish Council meeting to be planned for a Monday evening after Easter. ACTION: Clerk

13.To consider any plans to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
It was reported that The Plough were obtaining medals for the school and playgroup.  The Parish Council were looking into obtaining a quote for a whole school photograph.

It was reported that the following plans were underway:
- knitting in the community
- flags and bunting
- School choir to attend the event on the Sunday
- Planters to be planted with red, white and blue flowers
- Telephone box display
- Crowns for lampposts
- Grass to have an additional cut before the jubilee weekend.                             ACTION: Clerk
- Cllr Carter to speak to Kisimul School about a new sign for the play area to reflect the opening with the new equipment and a new name for the play area being considered by the primary school.                                                                                                    ACTION Cllr Carter
- Cllr Marris was ordering the trees to be planted.                                      ACTION Cllr Marris
- Cllr Beales was sorting teams for the tug of war                                      ACTION Cllr Beales
- Jubilee pudding testing                                                                                 ACTION Cllr Carter
- The top of the playing field to be raked.  Wildflower seeds to be bought for the children to plant.                                                                                           ACTION Cllrs Lloyd and Marris
- Residents to be asked if they would like to make bug houses for the children to put out
- Litter pick on 3rd April.

14.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Lloyd reported that:
- the Rugby Festival was being held on the Jubilee weekend.
- Swinderby Trust will no longer support village care but the services provided by Collingham Village Care will ensure that residents can access transport for medical appointments.

To note correspondence received


Received From




2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries in England



Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation

16.Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 4th April 2022

Meeting closed at 9.10pm

Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..