January 2021 Minutes



held on 11 January 2021

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr M Thompson (LCC) and Cllr P Overton (NKDC)

  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Thompson reported that:
    It is customary at this time to wish for  “A Happy New Year”, so much has happened affecting everyone in the first week that it already seems that 2021 has been around for ages, but my best wishes and hopes that it will be a better and happier year for us all.

    County Council leader Martin Hill OBE has updated County Councillors following the issue of new lockdown rules with the following information included which may be helpful for Parish Councils and residents:
    - Household Waste Recycling Centres are open as usual – but remember you have to book a timeslot via our LCC website. If you have a van or a larger trailer, we are also continuing to process permit applications.
    - Just as during the previous lockdowns, our highways crews will still be out maintaining and improving our roads as normal, including gritting roads and repairing potholes. Where it is safe to do so, work will continue on our major development project and road building schemes around the County.
    - Shielding for the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) has returned, so our Public Health and Emergency Planning Teams are continuing to work with Partners at the Resilience Forum to help get residents the support they need. If residents need support doing this, please remember our Covid-19 Helpline: 01522 782189, which is available 7 days a week.
    - With another Lockdown, many residents' businesses will have been affected. Business Lincolnshire can help support businesses to operate within government guidance or to access financial support or grants if needed. Contact www.businesslincolnshire.com

    Cllr Overton reported :
    -Grants to support our local economies
    We have £46 billion in this round “until the Spring”.  The Lockdown is currently planned to be six weeks to mid-February, if everything goes well. Grants based on business rate registration are mandatory and councils are asked to pass this on directly. Our request for more discretionary grant was heeded and local businesses should apply in order to apply to help them survive and protect jobs.  You can apply to the District Council retrospectively for the mandatory grant based on business rates or the discretionary grant if you evidence that your legally compliant business has suffered because of the lockdowns. ecodev@n-kesteven.gov.uk  We were in national lockdown March 24th  July 4th, and Nov 5th - Dec 2nd, Tier 3 from Dec 2nd - Dec 30th, Tier 4 from Dec 31st - Jan 4th and now the third six week national lockdown from Jan 5th - Feb 15th. The District Council has so far distributed £23m.
    - Making ends meet
    Our national Independent group held an excellent session on Council Budgets, looking at making savings or using reserves, and increasing income. The government has made sure that no council will have less than before, but that is largely from raising our council tax by the maximum amount of 2% plus 3% for adult care, over one or two years. The government is leaving us short as only about 70% of income losses are recoverable. And on top of a backlog of significant austerity loss of central government funds over the past decade, we now face increased local pressures. Councils are entering the budget process now, so please let me know if you think we should be doing more or less of anything.
    - Elections
    Currently elections are scheduled for the Thursday 6th May, with people able to vote in person at polling stations. It is worth applying for a postal vote. You can take it in to the polling station yourself on the day if you wish. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-for-a-postal-vote.  According to the NKDC website the following elections will take place on 6th May 2021: Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, Sleaford Town Council - Quarrington Ward, Bracebridge Heath PC election, Bassingham and Brant Broughton District by-election.  There will be elections for Lincolnshire County but no NKDC election this year.
    - Two Covid Safety Ambassadors for NKDC funded by central Government will be patrolling the district advising people of the current rules.

2.To receive any apologies for absence

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14th December 2020 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 14th December 2020 were an accurate record of the meeting.


  1. To formally note Items of Income




Residents and local business

Donations for the defibrillator


  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:







Bank charges

 £             18.00



         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To consider a contribution to the donation from LALC to an armed forces charity and guide dogs charity in lieu of time given to support the development of the new website
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to donate £25 through LALC.  Funds to be moved from reserves to S137 budget for the expenditure.

  2. To consider a donation to the Norton Disney History and Archaeological Society during the current financial year.
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to donate the previously approved amount of £250 to the Norton Disney History and Archaeological Society from the current budget. Funds to be moved from reserves to S137 budget for the expenditure.

  3. To approve Items of Expenditure











Norton Disney History and Archaeological Society





Following a vote expenditure was approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  3. To agree the 2021 budget and complete the precept request form

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to an increase of 2% to the precept.

  1. Planning
    a. Applications Received


Proposed siting of a mobile home for a maximum of 2 years (retrospective)

Halfway Farm Cottage Newark Road Swinderby Lincoln

No comments

b.    Applications Decided





Two additional applications had been received (20/1672/FUL and 20/1721/HOUS) and would be considered at an extraordinary meeting on 18.01.2021 subject to an approval from NKDC to an extension to the deadline for comments. The meeting would be held on 16.01.2021 if no extension is granted.                                                                                        ACTION: Clerk

  1. To receive any updates on the development of the brownfield site.
    Draft revised plans had been received from the developer.  It was agreed that no formal comment could be made at this stage.  NKDC and LCC would be contacted for advice.                                                                                                                                    ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

8.To receive any updates on the proposed Rendering Plant.
Cllr Thompson reported that there were no updates on the Norton Disney Plant.  The Skellingthorpe Plant was going to Committee for a decision on 15th January 2021.

9.To consider plans for the footpath to the railway station
Cllr Marris was preparing a questionnaire to be added to the report for the Linkup.                                                                                                                                             ACTION: Cllr Marris

10.To consider the need for Trustees for the Bowls Club.
The paperwork is still with the solicitors but no response has yet been received.  Cllr Carter will follow this up again.  It was noted that the Parish Council may need to consider covering insurance costs if the matter was not sorted prior to the insurance renewal date.                                                                                                                                                 ACTION: Cllr Carter

11.To consider the installation of village ‘gates’
A response had not yet been received from LCC Highways.  Thorpe-on-the-Hill Parish Council had been contacted as they had recently installed village gates but they had no additional advice to the actions already taken.

12.To discuss any updates on an increase in lorries through the village
Additional signage was discussed.  It was agreed that this would be most helpful once local roadworks were completed.  A map would be marked up with proposed positions for signs and sent to Cllr Thompson for discussions with LCC Highways.         ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

13.To consider any plans for updates to the play area including benches.
A resident had offered to make a bench for the play area, this was agreed in principle.  Cllr Lloyd had asked Wicksteed for a reduced list of potential new equipment.  Cllr Carter would approach the school for ideas from the children when everything had settled with the current additional work in relation to remote learning.                     ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Carter

14.To acknowledge a donation from a resident
A resident had offered to donate to the Parish Council an amount that he would have spent on Christmas cards.  Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the donation should be used towards the new bench for the play area.

15.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Longson reported that the Speed Indicator Devices were being recharged, additional mounting points would be installed shortly.  The new litter bins would be installed in the near future.                                                                                                      ACTION: Cllr Longson
Cllr Gagg reported that more glass had been found on the play area.  No other litter had been found.
Cllr Carter reported that she was submitting the information for the Community Award nominations for inclusion in the Linkup.
Cllr Beales reported that there was regular fly tipping along Cow Lane.  Cllr Thompson stated that NKDC can install cameras in litter hotspots.                                                    ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Lloyd requested that the Emergency Plan be placed on the agenda for the February meeting.  Residents had volunteered to undertake litter picking.  A stock take would be undertaken of all litter picking equipment and new equipment identified for purchase as required. 
Checks were to be made bi-annually for updates to Councillor’s interests
Residents had been consulted on the re-siting of the signal box, although there was some sadness that it would no longer be in the village there was acceptance that it would be re-sited appropriately and for the benefit of future generations.



To note correspondence received


Received From



LCC Highways

Parish Agreement Scheme 2021-22 – grass cutting



Resident Survey 2020


Anglian Water

Improving the water network in Witham St Hughs


17.Date of next meetings
18 January 2021 and 8 February 2021

.Meeting closed at 9.05pm



held on 18 January 2021

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  One member of the public

  1. Public Forum
    A member of the public reported that a change had been made to planning application 20/1672/FUL.  This involved the installation of an air source pump for heating rather than using oil.

2.To receive any apologies for absence

3.To receive any declarations of interest
Cllr Lloyd declared an interest in planning application 20/1672/FUL and would leave the meeting for the duration of the discussion on this matter.

To confirm the amount of precept to be requested for the 2021 budget.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to request a precept of £19,856 for 2021/22.                                                                                                                                           ACTION: Clerk

Cllr Lloyd left the meeting and Cllr Carter took on the chairing of the meeting.

Applications Received


Erection of a single story dwelling with attached garage, widening of existing driveway to create a shared access and extension of existing driveway to access proposed site

Land adjacent to 31 High Street, Swinderby, Lincoln

See comments below


Single storey rear extension

50 High Street, Swinderby, Lincoln

No comments

Swinderby Parish Council has the following comments on application20/1672:
The Parish Council wishes to point out that the number of new buildings they are required to have over the next 20 years, according to the LCC Local Plan, have been completely exceeded by existing applications.

The Parish Council is not in favour of any ‘back’ developments. The application shows a classic back development with a new property planned at the back of an existing property.

There are concerns over access to the High Street and the size of the plot.

The site would appear to be greenfield, rather than brownfield.

.Meeting closed at 8.15pmThe proposed development would require a loss of trees.

The large parking area raises concerns over flooding in an area which has existing drainage issues.

There is doubt over evidence of community support for the proposed development or the scope of the process.

There are concerns that the plot being on a slightly elevated site will be visible from the High Street and not in keeping with the type of properties in the area.

  1. Date of next meetings
    8th February 2021


Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..


Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..