July 2021 Minutes




held on 19th July 2021

Held at Swinderby Village Hall

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr M Thompson (LCC), Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 2 members of the public

Public Forum
Cllr Overton discussed the review of the Local Plan.  The consultation was taking place until 24th August 2021 and it was important for Parish Councils to make a strong submission before the plan went to committee for approval.  Cllr Lloyd would respond.        ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
Climate change and energy conservation would be taking a priority over housing.
Cllr Thompson reported that:
- there was a change in approximately 30% of the Councillor positions following the elections.
- Devolution was considered to be problematic with regards to accessing funding.  However, the criteria had now been changed and there was no longer a need for a mayor.  Changes could be unitary or tertiary authorities and Parish Councils could have more or less power in the future.


1. To receive any apologies for absence
Cllrs N Marris, G Beales had sent their apologies, reasons accepted.

2.To receive any declarations of interest

3.To receive the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting 5th May 2021 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 5th May 2021 were an accurate record of the meeting.


  1. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:







Grass cutting

 £           154.50



Trent IDB

Drainage rates

 £             21.57


£  21.57

S Markall

Pandemic funding

 £           300.00




Grass cutting

 £           309.00




Data protection fee

 £             35.00


£  35.00


Grass cutting

 £           309.00




Bank charges

 £             18.00


£  18.00


Play inspection

 £             60.00


£  72.00

         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously.

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure

Payment ref










  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received


Proposed conversion of barns to form dwelling and associated annexe and erection of a car port

Jetna Farm 2 High Street, Swinderby

No comments



To vary conditions 2, 5, 14 and 40 of planning permission 19/0439/CCC to allow the use of conveyors to transport mineral on site and minor changes to phasing amendments

Swinderby Quarry, Camp Road, Witham St Hughs 

No comments


T1 Oak - dead wood be removed and the tree width be cut back 2 to 3 metres

69 High Street, Swinderby

No comments


T1 - T3 Sycamore - fell; T4 / T5 Holly - fell

Ling Moor, Eagle Road, Swinderby

No comments

b.    Applications Decided


Conversion and extension to existing garage to form annex.

74 High Street, Swinderby



7. To consider any updates on the development of the Brownfield site.
12 replies had been received from the survey with a very mixed response showing residents views on the proposal.  The replies, with no personal details, had been handed to the developer and would be forwarded to NKDC planning. The developer had replied to some of the comments made.  It would be suggested to the developer that Linkup, Swinderby facebook and the website could be a good way to publish his comments.  Concerns were raised that it must be clear that the Parish Council was simply sharing information and the developer’s comments did not necessarily represent their views as they were waiting for the full planning proposal and the receipt of resident’s views before making any formal comments on the application.

8.To consider the work needed on tree maintenance 2021/22 and the purchase of larger trees for the parish.
Following an inspection report it was unanimously resolved to obtain quotes for getting all recommended works completed this year.  Cllr Lloyd would obtain quotes.                                                                                                                                                             ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

9. To acknowledge the decision of the Council for the Reg Ketteringham Community Award 2021..
Sarah Markall had been awarded the Reg Ketteringham Community Award 2021 for her outstanding support for the community, including throughout the pandemic.  Cllr Carter would place an article in the Linkup and Cllr Longson would take a photograph for the article.

10. Update on Pride in Your Parish
There had been an excellent response from parishioners:
- Existing planters had now been adopted
- The crescent outside the school was being cared for
- The War Memorial was being cared for.
The next plans included the adoption of benches for cleaning and maintaining with the option for additional planters at the sides of benches.                          ACTION: Cllr Longson

11.Fund Raising opportunity for Swinderby Village Hall
Cllr Hodgson had identified an opportunity for fundraising for the Village Hall through a textile bin.  This was agreed as a good idea.                                               ACTION: Cllr Hodgson

12.To consider a quote for the installation of posts for the proposed village ‘gates’
Quotes needed to cover the requirements from LCC Highways.  One quote had been received for £560 plus VAT.  It was felt that the maximum that could be spent was £300 and further quotes would be obtained.

13.To consider the future use of the playing field.
It was reported that there were too many weeds in the grass for it to be of use to livestock.  Cllr Marris had offered to cut the area as soon as he had the required equipment.
Cllrs Carter and Lloyd had undertaken planting with the school children.  The children had also provided some excellent ideas for the areas including a wildflower meadow, picnic area, bright coloured benches and a football area.
Cllr Marris had provided a plan including spraying the area, ploughing and cultivating in September with areas mown short and areas for wildflowers.  An article would be produced informing residents of planned works, including how long the area would need to be closed to the public.  It was resolved unanimously that Cllr Marris would manage the works.  Cllr Marris was thanked for his work on this matter.  Cllrs would continue to cut the meadow with the parish mower.  Glendale would be asked to quote for cutting the perimeter and the football pitch once ready.                                                                               ACTION: Cllr Marris

14.To consider any proposals for updating the play area.
Cllr Carter had worked with the school children and they had produced some excellent ideas for the development of the play area. Parents were also enthused by the plans and were interested in undertaking fundraising towards the project.  Cllr Carter was working with Wicksteeds to develop plans that could be added to as funding was available.                                                                                                                    ACTION: Clerk and Cllr Carter

15.To consider any updates on the suggested footpath to the station.
This matter was deferred until a future meeting.

16.To consider any updates on Operational procedures.
Cllr Lloyd had produced plans for tree maintenance and grass cutting.  Cllr Hodgson would produce the procedure for care of the defibrillator. Files completed on operational issues o be circulated.                                                                                    ACTION: Cllrs Hodgson and Lloyd

17.To consider any updates on the proposed rendering plant.
There were no updates and it was noted that the matter was not listed for the LCC committee to consider.

18.To discuss any updates on trustees for the Bowls Club
The matter was still with the solicitors.  Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council would add the sheds and contents to their insurance.

19.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Hodgson would arrange the tidying of the Village Hall carpark with Cllr Longson and others.  Cllr Hodgson also reported that the decorating and recarpeting of the Village Hall had been completed.  Cllrs commented on the excellent work.
Cllr Gagg requested that a litter bin be placed on Cow Lane.
Cllr Lloyd would circulate some dates for the next litter pick.


To note correspondence received


Received From



The Planning hub

Development at 23 & 25 High Street, Swinderby. Public consultation


Anglian Water

Anglian Water completed work


PF Littlejohn

Certificate of Exemption



Review of Gambling Policy (Statement of Principles).


LCC Highways

Green light for walking and cycling plans



Playing field maintenance


12 residents

Replies to the brownfield development site survey

21.Date of next meetings
Monday 13th September 2021, 7.30pm

.Meeting closed at 9.25pm

Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..