May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting




held on 5th May 2021

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  2 members of the public

  1. Public Forum

Cllr Thompson had sent through the following report:
Lincolnshire County Council - Eagle & Hykeham West Annual Report 2021

Lincolnshire County Council is now in the Pre-Election period before the Election of a new full Council on 6th May. Whilst postal votes have been encouraged, Polling Stations will be open under Covid safe conditions.

The final meeting of the current Council was held remotely on Friday 16th April and was an informal meeting to thank councillors who will not be seeking re-election.

The last year has been a very different and difficult one for us all, but Officers and staff working for the County Council have adapted to the challenges and maintained essential services, with additional community support provided where needs have been identified.

The beginning of the council year in April brought in changes in management arrangements and Highways contracts. Although the effects of these have been delayed by the pandemic, they are beginning to work through, and local managers have been keen to work with communities to understand local issues. Perhaps not in the way we would have hoped by having face to face meetings, but hopefully these will be possible in the not-too-distant future. A major achievement was the completion of the Lincoln Eastern By-Pass. Agreement to move forward on the final phase with the North Hykeham relief road project is also very welcome.

County Public Health has been very much involved with measures to protect residents. Covid19 measures have been a priority with regular advice and updates from the Director and colleagues in initiating these and more recently in support of the NHS vaccination programme. Where appropriate, however, Health Scrutiny has continued to hold the NHS in Lincolnshire to account.

Other initiatives over the last year have seen environmental issues given priority with the development and publication of LCC Green Master Plan and measures put in place within the council to review activities and to reduce the carbon footprint. A new fleet of Scania Fire Appliances has been commissioned to provide the most modern and fuel efficient in the country. 

I hope this report gives an indication of how the County Council has continued working over the last year. There have been serious effects on ways in which this has been carried out, but opportunities have arisen to reflect and adapt to move forward more effectively in the future.


  1. Election of Chair and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office
    Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr G Lloyd be elected Chair of the Council.  Cllr Lloyd would send the signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office to the Clerk.

  2. To receive any apologies for absence

4.To receive any declarations of interest

5.Election of Vice-Chair
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr L Carter be elected Vice-Chair of the Council.  Cllr Carter would send the signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office to the Clerk.

6.To receive the Annual Report of the Village Hall Committee







£ 15,054**

£ 12,296

£ 14,431

£ 14,223


£ 8,040

£ 15,187

£ 18,245

£ 8,751

Profit / (loss)

£ 7,014

(£ 2,891)


£ 5,472


£ 34,808

£ 27,554

£ 30,152

£ 35,275

Main items of expenditure

Electrical survey

New chairs & tables

Bar refurbishment

Repair major water leak


The Village Hall was closed for the 1st and 2nd Covid-19 lockdowns in accordance with Government guidelines. The part-time Post Office remained open to support the community need for banking etc. In between the lockdowns some activities were able to resume.

Covid secure measures including Q codes, hand sanitiser stations and enhanced cleaning procedures were implemented to allow some activities to resume when permitted.

The hall applied, and was granted, a Retail Hospitality and Leisure Grant of £10,000.00 in March (** incl. above)

The planned refurbishment of the main hall was postponed until 2021 although a legally required electrical survey went ahead in May. Some redundant equipment relating to the old radiant heaters was removed and a certificate issued with a requirement to retest in 2025.


Decorating main hall, meeting room and entrance hall + new carpet – estimate £ 8500.00.

7.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 12th April 2021 and 26th April 2021 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 12th April 2021 and 26th April 2021 were an accurate record of the meetings.


  1. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:











         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously.

  1. To consider renewal of the Parish Council insurance
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to renew the insurance at a cost of £347.05.

  2. To approve Items of Expenditure

Payment ref







Came & co


 £           347.05



S Aikman


 £             46.80



B Solly

Internal Audit

 £             40.00

Following a vote expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously.

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  3. To receive the Internal Auditor’s report
    From the checks that I have performed and from the information that I have seen, I can conclude that the accounts have been maintained to the highest of standards and I thank the Clerk for her careful attention to the accounts and the time she has taken to produce them.  I recognise how hard it has been to keep Council business going during the past 12 months and thank you all for accepting new ways of holding meetings and approving payments successfully.
    I have looked at the bank statements and reconciliations, income and expenditure, invoices, payments, fixed asset register, risk assessments, VAT returns, salaries and PAYE returns as well as the minutes of the meetings, alongside the Council’s website.
    I have completed and signed the Internal Auditor page in the Annual Governance and Accountability Returns.

    The Chair thanked the Clerk for maintaining the accounts to a high standard.

  4. To review the effectiveness of the system of internal control and consider the findings prior to completing the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return for 2020/21.
    All items were reviewed, and the Annual Governance Statement was completed.

  5. To approve the Annual governance statement on the Annual Return for 2020/21.
    Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

  6. To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole
    The Accounting statements were considered.

  7. To approve the Accounting Statements for 2020/21 on the Annual Return.
    Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the end of year bank reconciliation for 2020/21.

l.Accounting Statements to be signed and dated by the Chair
The Accounting Statements were signed and dated by the Chair.

m.To confirm that the Parish Council meets the exemption criteria for external audit and to complete the exemption certificate
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council meet the exemption criteria for external audit and the exemption certificate was completed.

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received





b.    Applications Decided


Erection of a single storey rear and two storey side extension with entrance porch

Morton Manor Cottages 1 Morton Manor Morton Lane


10.To consider any updates on the development of the Brownfield site.
A productive meeting had been held with NKDC planning and clarification was gained on the need for a new planning application if the draft plans received were to be submitted. There would be the opportunity for further public consultation once a formal planning application had been received by NKDC. It was agreed that a joint approach would be preferred and the Clerk would try and arrange a meeting between the Parish Council, the developer and NKDC Planning.

11.To consider matters relating to climate change and energy conservation.
A resident had asked if low carbon solutions would be used on the new development.  This would be raised with the developer and NKDC during the planning process.
It was reported that the Village Hall now has an air source heat pump and air conditioning.

12.To review the Parish Council Standing Orders.
Deferred as awaiting revised model documents from NALC.

13.To review the Parish Council Financial Regulations.
Deferred as awaiting revised model documents from NALC.

14.To receive the decision of the Council for the Reg Ketteringham Community Award 2021.
Names had been put forward for the award and the decision would be announced in the Linkup with a presentation planned for June.

15.To consider aeration of the play area grass and the use of feed and weed.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept a quote of £160 for aeration of the play area grass and £260 for weed and feed.

16.To consider the future use of the playing field.
It was suggested that an area could be cut in the middle as well as a footpath around the edge for residents to enjoy the area and for access to the orchard.

17.To consider any proposals for updating the play area.
Cllr Carter had been liaising with the School Council.  The children were full of ideas and further discussions would take place with them.  The children particularly liked the idea of inclusive play equipment.

18.To consider any updates on the suggested footpath to the station.
No updates.  Cllr Beales would work with Cllr Marris on this matter.

19.To consider any updates on Operational procedures.
Cllrs Lloyd, Carter and Longson had provided a list of tasks, some undertaken by the Parish Council and some by residents.  The promotion of ‘Pride in our parish’ would enable parishioners to identify how they could help to make the village a better place for all.  Councillor Longson would produce a map showing all planters and benches to start this process and so that they could be maintained by individuals or groups.

20.To consider any updates on the proposed rendering plant.
The matter was going to the Planning Committee on 12th July 2021.

21.To discuss any updates on trustees for the Bowls Club.
Cllr Carter was still chasing the solicitors.  Cllr Carter would check on the date for insurance renewal.  The Parish Council would need to cover this within their insurance.  Cllrs Lloyd and Longson would look at grass cutting the area.

22.To consider any opportunities for funding work needed on the village hall carpark.
Cllr Lloyd would get a quote for the required works.

23.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Marris asked for the speed indicator device to be charged.
It was noted that there had been no response to the request for a camera to deter fly tipping.  The Clerk would follow this up


To note correspondence received


Received From




Temporary traffic restrictions


Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire

EU Settlement Scheme


Kisimul School

Transport concerns


25.Date of next meetings
Monday 14th June 2021, 7.30pm

.Meeting closed at 9.43pm



Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..