November 2021 Minutes




held on 8th November 2021

Held at Swinderby Village Hall

Present: Cllr. G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. N Marris, G Beales, R Hodgson and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Steve Watson (NKDC Planning), Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 6 members of the public

  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Lloyd welcomed everyone to the Public Forum and explained the process for both the public forum and the formal Parish Council meeting.

    Peter Sowerby, the owner and developer of the Moor Lane site, gave his views on the procedures undertaken to date both by himself and the Parish Council.  He described in detail how he did not agree with the Parish Council approach and attitude to the revised plans that he had put forward.

    Cllr Lloyd explained that, in January 2020, the Parish Council had given the list of everything that the residents had agreed to in the 2017 outline planning permission and that, while they had tried to be flexible to suit the developer’s request for a change in the plans, there was still a need to ensure that the Parish Council replaced some of the promised benefits, including substantial green space and a tennis court, to residents within an amended agreement.

    Steve Watson explained that he had been advising both the Parish Council and the developer on procedures.  He confirmed that the new proposed plans gave approximately 1 hectare of open space compared to the 3 hectares in the outline planning permission.  He also confirmed that the recent petition undertaken by the developer would not carry weight.  He explained that the developer was aware of the obligations, including the number of properties, that came with the outline planning permission when he had bought the land. He explained that the formal census, that had been taken using the correct procedures, had been inconclusive and therefore the planning policy invoked the involvement of the Parish Council.  The next step would be for the developer to put in a full planning application and then a further properly conducted census could be undertaken.

    Cllr Lloyd reported that the Parish Council had been copied into, and received, a number of complaints regarding the door-to-door petition undertaken by the developer.

    A member of the public stated that she thought the Parish Council had represented the community well.  She found the reduction in open space, with the district plan in favour of green space, and the lack of detailed plans confusing.

    Another member of the public stated that she had found the approach taken with the petition by the developer aggressive.

    Cllr Overton gave the following report:
    Link to Lincolnshire County Council Transport Plan 5:

    We are really pleased to be relaunching our Community Grants Fund as a permanent fixture, following a successful trial that ran November 2020-March 2021. 
    Grants of up to £500 are available to Neighbourhood Watch Associations and Neighbourhood Watch groups as per the guidelines and a successful application. A minimum of 20 will be released in each round. Not all applications will be successful. The upcoming application dates are:
    Autumn round: opens 18th October 2021, closes 17th December 2021
    Spring round: opens 14th March 2022, closes 13th May 2022
    Autumn round: opens 12th September 2022, closes 11th November 2022

    You must read the full guidelines (attached) before applying for the grant, and use our application form and budget template, which can be downloaded from the webpage. Some of the criteria and information has been updated and clarified, so please ensure you are only using the application form and guidelines on the website: Applications will only be accepted by email to

Cllr Thompson had sent in the following report:
Lincolnshire Transport Plan consultation
LCC has announced a six-week consultation on a countywide plan for transport which went live on 20th October. Details of the consultation documents and ability to respond can be found at:
The focus is on the six key themes identified as:
- Supporting economic growth – connecting people to employment, and businesses to customers
- Future-ready green transport – reducing emissions
- Promoting thriving environments – making sure transport enhances, not spoils, local areas
- Ensuring health and safety – making sure transport is safe and responsibly managed
- Promoting high aspirations – providing access to education, training and support services
- Improving quality of life
Key potential projects are also outlined in the plan to demonstrate how the aims of the six themes might be achieved. The whole document will evolve through the six-week consultation process and results will feedback through scrutiny before being adopted at full council in the spring of 2022.
Residents, businesses and visitors will be asked for their opinions on the themes identified, and the potential projects outlined in the plan. Wider work is being carried out on the Walking, Cycling, Bus, Rail, Electric Vehicle and Freight strategies, all developed to support the Local Transport Plan

  1. To receive any apologies for absence
    Cllr J Gagg had sent his apologies, reason accepted.

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 11th October 2021 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 11th October 2021 were an accurate record of the meeting.
It was noted that Cllr Beales would write the Link-up article.


  1. To formally note Items of Income






 £           72.00


VAT refund

£           748.38


Grass cutting contribution

£           306.84

  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:











  1. To approve Items of Expenditure
    .Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the payments below

Payment ref







Swinderby Village Hall

Meeting room

 £             18.00

Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received

Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, Schedule 2, Part 31 - Application for prior notification of proposed demolition

Demolition of 8 Park Crescent and single storey garages within Morton Hall IRC

8 Park Crescent, Swinderby

No comments

b.    Applications Decided





7.To consider the developer’s proposed changes to approved outline planning permission 17/0603/OUT and to sections of the S106 agreement that was signed 21.12.2017.
The proposed changes being requested to allow for a more spacious development in terms of housing proximity.  All matters under this agenda item to be considered in principle as they are dependant on agreement with other parties.
(Note: we have been informed that a further planning application would need to be submitted for the 12 houses that are additional to the 140 houses with outline planning permission).

a)To consider the removal of the full perimeter green corridor to allow for a more spacious development while retaining a 3m western corridor, as detailed on the attached plan, and now extending behind the proposed pond and carpark to encompass the green field sites between the new development and the existing village.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept this proposal.

b)To consider a reduction in green space, as described in the “Open Space Scheme” within the S106 agreement.  The reduction has been proposed by the developer and we have been advised that this is a reduction from 3ha to 1ha, including the agreed tennis court.  The reduction to be considered in return for a financial contribution of £150k for enhancing and maintaining existing green spaces, including the playing field and play area.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept this proposal.

c)To consider replacing the requirement of the “Parish Facilities Contribution” within the S106 agreement, of £10,000 for community facilities at the village hall and speed warning signs with a contribution of £10,000 for works to improve the Village Hall carpark.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept this proposal.

d)To consider a request to the developer that the land to be transferred to the Parish Council has clearly marked boundaries and is registered with the Land Registry.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept this proposal.

e)To consider the validity of the recent door-step petition undertaken by the developer.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to reject the validity of this petition.

f)To consider requesting a clear timeline with actions regarding the transfer of the remaining assets.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to accept this proposal.

8.To report on funding obtained for the play area and playing field.
It was reported that £10k had been received following a successful application to Awards for All.  The funding was to start the process of developing the play area and playing field as requested following consultation with residents including the children at the local schools.
Cllr Lloyd thanked Cllr Carter and the Clerk for their work on the application.
An estimate had been received of £12,022.55 plus VAT for the supply and installation, including safety grass where needed, for a Hurricane Swing with 2 button seats, a 2.4m log swing with flat seats and 2 x 5-a-side football posts.  Additional costs may be incurred during installation and a full quotation was to be requested by the Clerk. Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to add up to £3.5k from reserve funds to the funding received.

9.To consider any actions required on the play area and playing field
Items had been identified in the annual safety check as needing repairs in the near future. The manufacturer would be contacted again to try and get quotes for the work.
It was reported that the moles had been dealt with again.
It was noted that the play area would benefit from the use of a roller, this would be considered next Spring.

10.To consider actions required from the Tree Survey 2020.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to proceed with the quote received, providing it was competitive after taking into account another quote that was due in the next week..
A discussion was held regarding trees with branches overhanging roads.
LCC Highways were planting 36 mature trees on highways and other identified areas.
Some multi-stemmed field maples may need to be removed from the play area.  The area would be looked at for replacement trees to be planted.

11. Update on land registry matters
No updates available.

12.To receive any updates on Pride in Our Parish
This project would be continued in the Spring

13.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Lloyd reported that speeding issues had been discussed with the PCSO.
Comments received from a member of the public about an application for a static caravan had been forwarded to NKDC Planning.

To note correspondence received

15.Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 13th December 2021

Meeting closed at 8.35pm

Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..