September 2021 Minutes




held on 13th September 2021

Held at Swinderby Village Hall

Present: Cllr. G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. N Marris, G Beales, J Gagg, R Hodgson and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 1 member of the public


  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Overton. Had sent through the response from the Lincolnshire Independents to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2018 – 2040, he stated that this showed a strong disapproval of the plan.  He reported that further clarity was needed on the number of houses to provide a clear cumulative maximum.  He also stated that there was no clear definition on what industrial development was. 
    Cllr Thompson had sent in the following report:
    The County Council was in recess during August with no Council or Committee meetings taking place.
    County Views
    A residents’ panel was set up last year to help shape council services across Greater Lincolnshire with panel members receiving three short surveys during the year.
    The latest survey on Climate Change has now closed, but people can apply to join the panel helping to shape council policies and priorities at
    Highways England A46 works in October
    Sections of the carriageway will be closed on the A46 starting on Friday 15th October and due to be completed by Thursday 18th November between the Winthorpe interchange and Hykeham roundabout to maintain a safe environment for workforce and customers. This will include roundabouts and any adjoining exit and entry slip roads.
    Some of the carriageway and slip roads will be resurfaced with road markings refreshed and road studs renewed. Once completed all road users will benefit from improved road safety and a smoother carriageway.
    The plan is to deliver the scheme in phases to minimise disruption, working overnight while the road is less busy, Monday to Friday between 8pm and 6am. This will also ensure that the road network is as free-flowing as possible during the day with carriageways remaining open outside of our working hours

  2. To receive any apologies for absence

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 19th July 2021 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 19th July 2021 were an accurate record of the meeting with an amendment to the title.


  1. To consider renewing the subscription for Zoom
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously not to renew the Zoom subscription at this time but to consider it at a future time if needed again.

  2. To consider the LALC website management service
    The Clerk had provided details of a new service to maintain or support websites for Parish Councils.  The Clerk was happy to continue maintaining and updating the website and would bring this back to the Council if any help was required in the future.

  3. To complete a claim for the NKDC litter picking grant
    Cllr Lloyd offered to produce the report required for the claim.                       ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

  4. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






J Trafford

Materials for village gate

 £           136.27


 £           136.27


Grass cutting

 £           185.40


 £           185.40

S Markall

Development and emergency plan printing

 £           100.00


 £           100.00


Play inspection

 £           144.00


 £           144.00

         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously.

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure

Payment ref





S Aikman


 £             93.00


 £             93.00

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  3. To report on the VAT reclaim
    The Clerk reported that she was waiting for the final few invoices for August before sending in the claim which covered 01/9/2020 – 31/08/2021 and was currently at £646.58.  ACTION: Clerk

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received


Proposed conversion of barns to form dwelling and associated annexe and erection of a car port

Jetna Farm 2 High Street, Swinderby

No comments at present.  The application would be looked at again by some Cllrs.



To vary conditions 2, 5, 14 and 40 of planning permission 19/0439/CCC to allow the use of conveyors to transport mineral on site and minor changes to phasing amendments

Swinderby Quarry, Camp Road, Witham St Hughs 

No comments


T1 Oak - dead wood be removed and the tree width be cut back 2 to 3 metres

69 High Street, Swinderby

No comments


Erection of replacement stable building (retrospective)

Wellbet Bridle Gowns, Wellbet Farm, Collingham Road, Swinderby

No comments

b.         Applications Decided


Proposed enclosing of existing external staircase to form internal stairway to end of accommodation block, together with internal and external alterations to both the reception building and the accommodation block, plus construction of a new vehicle and pedestrian entry and gates off of Park Crescent, provision of new car parking on existing hard standing area, bridging over existing drainage culvert to provide staff access to new pedestrian gate and re-aligning of the existing anti - dash fencing within the internal zones controlled using lockable gates together with the removal of the existing fences and bases of old oil silo within the compound.

IRC Morton Hall, Eagle Road, Swinderby




Development for an open fronted shed to mature green waste compost

Anson Farms, Eagle Road, Swinderby

Permission granted


  1. To consider any updates on the development of the Brownfield site.
    The recent draft plans and communication from the developer were discussed.  It was agreed that:
    - any benefit to the village required confirmation and detail.
    - an extension to the ransom strip was required to go all around the paddocks
    - there was a need for public green spaces rather than private green space in gardens
    - existing trees needed to be preserved and additional trees planted.
    A draft response would be produced and checked by all Councillors before being sent to the developer from the Clerk.                                                                                       ACTION: All

8.To consider quotes for cutting the hedge at the Village Hall
A quote had been received for £1195.  This was considered too high and following a vote it was resolved unanimously to purchase some new saws and the Parish Councillors would complete the work.

9.To consider any further quotes for the installation of posts for the proposed village ‘gates’
Two quotes had been received and a third quote was expected soon.  It was felt that the quotes received to date were too high in relation to the benefit to the village. The final quote would be brought to the next meeting so that the project could be agreed or dismissed at this time.

10.To receive any updates on the playing field.
A discussion was held on the best layout for the field and it was agreed to leave 20 metres on the eastern side and to seed an area of 80 metres x 50 metres for a football area. Cllr Marris had offered to grass seed the football area and following a vote it was resolved unanimously to spend up to £500 on suitable grass seed.  It was noted that the work would be undertaken when the weather provided the best conditions for seeding the area.
It was noted that the nature reserve at the far end of the playing field was not suitable for any more tree planting.  Cllr Lloyd discussed the idea of approaching the Drainage Board to direct some drainage towards the area that the trees were struggling with.  Cllr Overton reported that he would discuss this idea with an engineer through his role as a member of Trent Valley Drainage Board.

11.To consider the development of a Neighbourhood Plan
Cllrs had considered the paperwork from NKDC on Neighbourhood Plans.  It was noted that there may be 2 or 3 residents interested in supporting any work towards this.  Cllr Lloyd would talk to the residents and bring back ideas to the Parish Council with a view to starting some groundwork towards a future village plan.                                                                                 ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

12.To consider any proposals for updating the play area, including findings from the annual play inspection and any funding opportunities.
The Clerk was in the process of obtaining quotes for the recommended works. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Carter had been working with children and parents to develop ideas for the play area.  She had also contacted the Kisimul School and was awaiting their response.  Cllr Carter had taken the ideas received so far and obtained plans and quotes to develop them.  The Clerk was in the process of completing a grant application to the Big Lottery that could enable the project to be started.                                                                                            ACTION: Cllr Carter and Clerk

13.To consider any updates on the proposed rendering plant.

14.To receive any updates on Pride in Our Parish
Cllr Longson reported that he would be working on the adoption of the 8 village benches.                                                                                                                                    ACTION: Cllr Longson

15.To discuss any updates on trustees for the Bowls Club
Cllrs Carter and Lloyd were continuing to work on this matter.  ACTION: Cllrs Lloyd and Carter

16.To plan for Remembrance Sunday including considering a donation for a wreath
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to request a wreath from the Royal British Legion and send a £20 donation.  Cllr Lloyd would order the wreath.                                 ACTION: Cllr Lloyd

17.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Carter was looking at ways to support more community engagement and suggested a garden society where residents could swop plant seeds and share ideas.  This would be put on the October agenda with links to Pride in Our Parish and Best Kept Village.         ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Beales commented on the number of circus posters that had been put up around the village and it was agreed that these could be removed.                                               ACTION: Cllr Beales
Cllr Lloyd had sent dates for the next litter pick and reported on suggestions sent to LCC for additional tree planting in the village.
A letter needed to be sent out requesting that a resident cut a hedge back from a pavement.  Cllr Beales would send the address to the Clerk.                                                      ACTION: Cllr Beales
A discussion was held about the possibility of a convex mirror being placed on Bulpit Lane where it was difficult for motorists to be aware of pedestrians and slow-moving traffic.  Cllr Lloyd would send the ‘What 3 Words’ location to the Clerk and the Clerk would contact LCC Highways with the request.                                                                                              ACTION: Cllr Lloyd and Clerk

To note correspondence received


Received From




brownfield development site survey replies



Newark & Sherwood Plan Review - Options Report Consultation Open


Cllr Thompson

Advance notice of Highways England A46 works in September



Tree Planting for Parish Councils



Lincolnshire Riparian Project - Questionnaire - Participation Request - 09/08/2021



Temporary Traffic Restriction: Swinderby


Water Environment

S19 Flood Investigation: Swinderby



LCC websites – support packages

19.Date of next meeting
Monday 11th October 2021, 7.30pm

.Meeting closed at 9.40pm

Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..