March 2021 Minutes




held on 1st March 2021

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and 4 members of the public

  1. Public Forum
    Due to the nature of the meeting Cllr Lloyd requested that public views could be gathered on each agenda item of interest - agreed

2.To receive any apologies for absence

3.To receive any declarations of interest

a. Applications Received


Proposed enclosing of existing external staircase to form internal stairway to end of accommodation block, together with internal and external alterations to both the reception building and the accommodation block, plus construction of a new vehicle and pedestrian entry and gates off of Park Crescent, provision of new car parking on existing hard standing area, bridging over existing drainage culvert to provide staff access to new pedestrian gate and re-aligning of the existing anti - dash fencing within the internal zones controlled using lockable gates together with the removal of the existing fences and bases of old oil silo within the compound.

IRC Morton Hall,  Eagle Road, Swinderby

No comments

b.    Applications Decided


Proposed siting of a mobile home for a maximum of 2 years (retrospective)

Halfway Farm Cottage, Newark Road, Swinderby, Lincoln



Erection of a single storey dwelling with attached garage, widening of existing driveway to create a shared access and extension of existing driveway to access proposed site.

Land Adjacent 31 High Street, Swinderby, Lincoln



Single story extension

50 High Street, Swinderby


c.To consider any updates on the development of the brownfield site
Cllr Lloyd had received draft plans and 2 follow up emails from the developer between 10th February and 22nd February 2021.
The plans were not detailed but showed all of the proposed development within the brownfield site. The plans included:
- 162 properties, including 30 affordable properties and 10 bungalows
- previously planned industrial units had been replaced by giving home working options to 11 of the houses.
- A small carpark/open space near the school
- the removal of trees and bunds.
The developer had also sent short videos of the amount of water found during some digging on the ground.

A general discussion was held and the following mixed views were raised:
- some were pleased that there were no industrial units, while others were in favour of them remaining. There was a reminder that residents had previously been in favour of some light industrial units.  Concerns were raised that if industrial units were included then they may remain empty.
- Previously agreed S106 items were not mentioned.  Advice was needed from NKDC regarding the legality of the original S106 agreement with the new proposals.
- The original approved outline planning was for 120 properties not 162 and there was concern over the housing density.
- The parking/shop area looked small, but it was difficult to tell as the drawing was not to scale.
- It was not possible to tell if any properties were higher than 2 storeys.

It was agreed that Cllr Lloyd would ask NKDC for support for the Parish Council.  Cllr Lloyd would send details of specific concerns to Cllr Overton so that a response could be requested from NKDC.  It was suggested that we could also request a Zoom meeting with the planning officer.

A discussion was held about including the information received onto social media. but it was felt that this would not be helpful at present due to the lack of detail and the need for clear information. A brief summary would be posted on the Parish Council’s Facebook page.

Concerns were raised in relation to flooding and the need for retaining ditches rather than culverting them.  It was mentioned that a 4m gap was needed to ensure that ditches could be regularly cleared. Severn Trent had been digging in the area, presumably to deal with problems before any development had begun.

The Parish Council were in favour of working with the developer and would ask him to make a presentation of his new plans.

d.To consider any updates on the proposed Rendering Plant
It was noted that an application had been made but not yet validated so was not available on the website.  The matter would be added to the next agenda.

  1. Date of next meeting
    8th March 2021


Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..





held on 8th March 2021

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors G Lloyd (Chair), Cllr L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr P Overton (NKDC), Cllr M Thompson and 1 member of the public

  1. Public Forum
    Cllr Thompson reported that:
    Lincolnshire County Council
    A remote full meeting of council took place on 19th February. The Budget was approved which means an increase of 1.99% in Council Tax. In agreeing to the budget proposals it was noted that £12m has been made available to support businesses which may not have been eligible previously and £12.3m has been provided for road repairs, to replace the loss of this funding from Central Government. Both these measures have been funded from Council reserves.

Green Master Plan
This plan brings together current and future strands which the Council views as important in taking forward measures to achieve our climate change objective of Zero Carbon by or before 2050. 
The Plan will focus on collective actions in reducing our impacts on the environment and supporting the individual goals of Lincolnshire's communities, businesses and organisations, as well as Lincolnshire County Council's own impacts.

It sets out three main commitments:

· Don’t waste anything

· Consider wider opportunities

· Take responsibility and pride

By not wasting our time, energy, money we will reduce the need for earth resources and ultimately save carbon.

In considering the wider opportunities we will be able to identify areas where we can work together with partners to achieve multiple benefits and is an efficient use of time and money. 

By taking responsibility and pride we are carrying out our moral obligation to leave Lincolnshire a better place acting as custodians for the future.

Aside from our commitments, within the Green Masterplan there is data on carbon emissions across Lincolnshire, a look at what's happening across Lincolnshire and an action plan detailing climate actions across Lincolnshire. 

It is intended that the GMP is a dynamic way forward. Whilst the principles of the Green Masterplan will remain the same, as new information, policy or events happen the plan will be reviewed and adapted as necessary.

County Council support for businesses

Cllr Martin Hill provided information about four schemes put in place by the County Council to support local businesses, which can now be found on our website here( In addition advice and support is available from  

The four grant schemes are:

Business recovery fund (for small businesses who have not been able to access any of the government grants to date) 

The 'business recovery fund' was available to those small businesses that have been directly impacted by covid-19, being unable to fully trade and have not benefited from the other government's covid support schemes. Although the fund was closed it was shortly reopened for further applications from 4th to 6th March.

Digital voucher fund (supporting businesses in improving digitisation). EXPRESSION OF INTEREST window will be open between 8 March 2021 and 12 March 2021. Application criteria published 1 March 2021.

Invest for the future grant (to contribute towards business expansion). EXPRESSION OF INTEREST window will be open between 15th March 2021 – 26th March 2021. Application criteria published 8 March 2021.

Rural business grant (for businesses and organisations with projects specifically in rural areas)

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST window will be open between 8 March 2021 and 17 March 2021. Application criteria published 1 March 2021.


Cllr Overton reported that:
Funds were available for business
Planning should be contacted for support with planning applications.  Landscaping and general design were a priority as was minimising any destruction to the site that was not necessary.

  1. To receive any apologies for absence

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 8th February 2021 and 1st March 2021 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 8th February 2021 and 1st March 2021 were an accurate record of the meetings.


  1. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:







Parish tree inspection

 £          313.50


£          313.50

         Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure






G Lloyd


 £             16.14


£             16.14

Following a vote expenditure was approved unanimously

  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget

  3. To consider the purchase of a printer/scanner
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to spend up to £220 for printing/scanning equipment.                                                                                                                     ACTION: Clerk

  4. To consider joining the LALC training scheme for 2022

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to join the training scheme at a cost of £100 plus vat. ACTION: Clerk

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received





b.    Applications Decided


Alterations to existing staircase

The Old Vicarage,
61 High Street, Swinderby



Rear extension

50 High Street, Swinderby


  1. To discuss a Data Protection Impact Assessment

This matter would be considered at a future meeting once additional guidance had been received from LALC.

8.To consider any updates on the proposal for the installation of village ‘gates’ and a bench on the play area
No further information at this time.

9.To consider any updates on the suggested footpath to the station
Cllr Marris had spoken to the landowners who all felt that the footpath suggestion was a good idea. It was questioned as to whether LCC would be likely to adopt the proposed footpath.  Cllr Thompson suggested contacting Phil Watt, Sustainable Transport, LCC. ACTION: Cllr Marris
It was reported that Eagle had purchased some land through fundraising.

10.To consider any updates on the Emergency Plan
Cllr Lloyd reported that the plan was nearly complete and would be circulated to all Councillors for feedback.  It was noted that the PC would hold relevant information for emergency contacts rather than dealing with emergencies themselves.

11.To consider any updates on the proposed rendering plant
Cllr Gagg reported that he would be attending a meeting of the Witham Valley Protection Group and would report back to the Council.  All those that had previously commented on the application would be contacted if a new application was received.
Following a vote it was unanimously resolve to advise residents through social media of the expectation of new or amended plans being submitted.  These plans would need the same level of focus as the original plans.
Cllr Overton confirmed that NKDC would receive the plans and would be commenting on them.

12.To discuss any updates on the increase in lorries through the village.
LCC Highways had agreed to change the signs as requested.  It was noted that additional lorries had been through the village due to road closures in nearby areas.  Concerns were raised about additional damage to the roads.  It was noted that the number and size of vehicles should be logged to demonstrate the need for support in this matter.  The item would be added to the next agenda.

13.To consider the recommendations from the recent tree survey.
No urgent actions had been identified.  Three quotes would be obtained for recommended works and the matter would be reviewed later in the year.                        ACTION: Cllr Lloyd
General maintenance including installing guards and stakes and pruning of new trees would be carried out with support from the community.  Cllrs Longson and Lloyd would arrange cutting the grass prior to community involvement.
Cllr Marris reported that the mower required a service.  Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr Marris could arrange this.                                                 ACTION: Cllr Marris

14.To receive any updates regarding plans to remove the signal box
It was reported that Eagle PC had similar concerns about the proposals for the signal box.  A meeting was to be held later in the week and it was confirmed that the Council’s preferred option was for the signal box to be moved to a heritage site to be preserved for future generations.

15.To receive any updates on fly tipping and planned actions to tackle the problem
Cllr Longson reported that a large amount of litter had been found on Halfway House Lane, this had been reported to NKDC.
A discussion was held about asking local fast food outlets if they were able to support the Council with this problem.  Cllr Lloyd would draft a generic email to target the businesses where there is specific evidence of litter from their premises.  Cllr Thompson reported that a local Parish Council had received vouchers from fast food outlets to give to residents helping with a litter pick.

16.To confirm the arrangements for the spring litter pick including the purchase of additional equipment
Cllr Lloyd would send the Clerk a map of the Parish and the risk assessment for litter picking so that it could be added to the website.                                    ACTION: Cllr Lloyd and Clerk.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to purchase additional litter picking equipment from the £160 litter picking grant received.                          ACTION: Cllr Lloyd and Clerk
It was suggested that members of the PC could start the litter pick on 21st March.

17.To plan for planting of trees in March/April/May with the school and local community.
The Woodland Trust trees and whips obtained last year would be planted by older children from the school.  Younger children could be involved in planting plug plants in the meadow.  11th April was suggested as the date for community planting.

18.To review the action plan and identify the next steps.
Much of the environmental action plan had been completed or planned including the speed indicator devices, new bins, energy efficiency check of the Village Hall, planting with the support of local children.  It was noted that further planning was needed for the play area.  Private householders, NKDC, LCC and local landowners were to be encouraged to plant trees.

19.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Lloyd reported that Councillors had met on the Brownfield site and the developer was there at the time.  Councillors would meet to discuss priorities and plan a way forward.
Cllr Lloyd reported that a notice had been placed on the playing field to advise users to keep dogs under control.
Cllr Gagg noted that the local Public House would be opening soon.
Cllr Carter was still awaiting a response from solicitors concerning Trustees for the Bowls Club.  Insurance would need to be considered in the near future.
Cllr Hodgson reported that the Village Hall was being repainted.


To note correspondence received


Received From



LCC Highways

Response re lorries and signage



Parish Agreement Scheme 2021-22 grass cutting confirmation



Flooding at Swinderby Station car park

21.Date of next meetings
12th April 2021

.Meeting closed at 9.40pm



Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..





held on 16th March 2021

Held remotely online

Present: Councillors Cllrs G Lloyd (Chair), L Carter (Vice Chair), J Gagg, R Hodgson, N Marris, G Beales and S Longson

  1. Public Forum – No attendees.

2.To receive any apologies for absence
Received from Sue Aikman and Cllr G Beales and Cllr J Gadd would need to leave the meeting early to attend other online meetings.

3.To receive any declarations of interest

  1. To consider additional support for responding to future planning applications.

Brownfield Site

Cllr Lloyd briefly outlined our current understanding regarding the deeds and outline planning permission signed in 2017 and our commitment to the obligations made on behalf of the parish at that time. There was ongoing feedback during this stage and these minutes reflect comments made by other councillors at the time.

  1. The proposed development will result in a substantial increase in the number of dwellings in the parish above our allocation against the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. A 15% growth for the parish would result in 46 dwellings being built in the parish. In the latest monitoring update, produced by NKDC, we are already 80 dwellings above the allocation and the monitoring plan takes no account of the 20 units for the elderly or some of the potential infill.
  2. The size and scale of the brownfield development makes this unusual and the fact the parish council is a signatory to the agreement in 2017 focusses our minds on our obligations.  
  3. There is uncertainty over the future of the S106 agreement made in 2017 and the obligations made by the council on behalf of the parish resulting in the outline planning permission being signed on their behalf. This uncertainty is a result of conflicting information we are receiving, our lack of understanding of the law underpinning planning applications and key processes.
  4. Even if the current S106 is not legally binding it is morally binding because of who we are.
  5. In our view if there are substantial changes to the planning and associated obligations, then there is a need for further consultations with the residents focussed on the brownfield site.
  6. There is a desire to discuss with the developer but because of some of the advice we are receiving we are uncertain as to the nature of these discussions. We have outlined our position on several occasions to the developer.
  7. There is agreement that we need to seek further advice and guidance and one of the expected outcomes would be to identify our next steps. We accept that the advice from NKDC cannot give value judgements because they are the deciding body. We are not certain that is helpful to our situation, but it is created by the situation we are all in.  


Cllr J Gagg in his opinion a new planning application would result in the present S106 being superseded and that should result in further consultation with residents

Cllr G Beales stated that we need clarity regarding the process required in negotiating a new S106 and the expected role of the parish council.

Cllr L Carter empathised the need for guidance and support and suggested we could approach the planning departments at other councils. In short, where are we going to get the advice we require from?

Cllrs S Longson and R Hodgson agreed with the other councillors on the points being made and suggested that perhaps we need to consult our MP in the near future.

It was noted by all that parish councils do not have the structure and associated personal to provide support our decision making process and this will be a national issue.


A general discussion then took place centred on the above points, the recent email we had received from Cllr Thompson (LCC) and advice we have received from others.  We are also expecting a response from NKDC planners to specific questions sent to them by the parish council.

 Points made during the discussion.  

If the plans or S106 are modified substantially then we would need new consultations on the brownfield site. If new plans are submitted, then consultation will again be needed.

We have been well supported by Cllr P Overton (NKDC) and Cllr M Thompson (LCC)

We need to be clear regarding the process involved if a new S106 is required and what is our role as a parish council. Furthermore, are there any historic carry forwards related to the present 106 and outline planning permission. It was noted that the last survey regarding this site was undertaken in Nov 2020 when over 90% of the parish who responded indicated a preference for:      

Development of the Produce World site as already approved and limited to this site. This would involve up to120 dwellings, up to 1,500 sqm of B1 commercial space, up to 20 units senior living accommodation, communal play/recreational space, community car park, shop and green spaces. This agreement, outline planning permission was signed by the Parish Council and others in December 2017.  


Following  these discussions the following were resolved.

Actions Once the email from NKDC is received circulate asap and our response may trigger the following.

  1. Request further support from LCC via Cllr Thompson regarding the issues raised in the meeting or Cllr Overton NKDC.
  2. Contact our local MP
  3. Seek advice and guidance from other organisations. 
  4. The advice and guidance need to be linked to where we are now in the process.


Pre application consultation.

The issue of pre-application community consultation was raised, and the question asked regarding at what stage should a parish council respond. We should reflect the views of the residents; but their views are unknown to us at the pre-application stage. If we must respond we need to be consistent in our response based upon predetermined guidelines. Also, at the pre-application stage when forms are circulated to the residents should the option of neutral comment be included rather than a binary choice of support or object.


  1. It was resolved that Cllr Lloyd would raise these issues with LALC and NALC
  2. Councillors would book ourselves on a relevant planning course.


  1. Date of next meeting – 12th April 2021

    Meeting Closed at 9:25 pm.