February 2022 Minutes



held on 14th February 2022

Held at Swinderby Village Hall

Present: Cllr. L Carter (Vice Chair), Cllrs. N Marris, G Beales, R Hodgson, J Gagg and S Longson

Clerk: S Aikman

Also in attendance:  Cllr M Thompson (LCC), Cllr P Overton (NKDC)

1. Public Forum
Cllr Overton reported that:
- NKDC Councillors were still working from home.
- The budget for 2022-23 was being considered on 3rd March 2022.
- £1m had been allocated towards climate change but there was a lack of clarity on how this was to be spent.  A pilot project was being undertaken to insulate 6 Council properties.  There are another 450 Council properties that could benefit and so suggestions were being put forward to use the climate change budget for this purpose.
- Council tax bands A-D were being looked at in relation to possible rebates.
- A review of NKDC had been undertaken by LGA and 13 areas had been identified where changes could see better results.  Scrutiny panels were pressing hard to seek improvements in these areas.

Cllr Thompson reported that:
- A budget meeting on Friday was looking at Council Tax.
- The Station Road/High Street hedge had been cut back and communication had been sent to the property owner.  A request for alteration of the pavement and road on this corner had gone forward to LCC Highways.
- An increase on the budget for Adult Social Care and for Highways will show as a 5% increase on Council Tax bills

2. To receive any apologies for absence
Cllr. G Lloyd (Chair) had sent his apologies, apology accepted.

3.To receive any declarations of interest

4.To receive the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 13th December 2021 previously circulated to members
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 13th December 2021 were an accurate record of the meeting.
It was noted that further clarification had been sought on the statement concerning the ‘ecological corridor around the whole boundary of the development’ as it was felt that this may refer to the western and northern boundary.  The Parish Council awaits submission of the final full planning application for all matters.


  1. To consider joining LALC’s training scheme for 2022-23
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously not to join the training scheme for next year.

  2. To consider the LALC annual subscription for 2022-23
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to pay the annual subscription to LALC for 2022-2023.

  3. To report on updates to the litter picking grant from NKDC
    NKDC had changed the system for requesting the litter picking grant and an invoice had been sent for this contribution as requested by them.

  4. To formally note Items of Income







  1. To formally approve Expenditure since last meeting:






Fields in Trust


 £             65.00


 £             65.00

G Lloyd

Santa chocolates

 £             34.95


 £             34.95

Swinderby Village Hall

Meeting room

 £             18.00


 £             18.00

S Markall


 £           280.00


 £           280.00


Bank charges

 £             18.00


 £             18.00

Expenditure including Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension approved unanimously

  1. To approve Items of Expenditure
    .Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the payments below

Payment ref








Annual subscription




S Coupland

6 Bird boxes


  1. Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously.

  2. To review spend against budget
    Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to rename the budget heading of ‘village maintenance’ to ‘village maintenance and improvement’ and the budget heading of ‘tree maintenance’ to’ tree maintenance and development’ to better reflect the spend from these budget areas.

  1. Planning

  1. Applications Received


Proposed first floor and single storey rear extensions and construction of detached garage/workshop, including amended plans for revised windows and doors.

The Cot,
Newark Road,

No comments


Alterations to existing cottage, demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a new bungalow and detached dwelling – amended plans

23 & 25 High Street, Swinderby

Concerns were raised about the trees being removed and the type of replacements.  Clerk to speak to NKDC

b.    Applications Decided





7. To consider any updates to approved outline planning permission 17/0603/OUT and to sections of the S106 agreement that was signed 21.12.2017.
No updates had been received.  The Clerk would contact NKDC planning to ask if there was any information to share.                                                                                             ACTION: Clerk

8.To report on any updates to the Treescapes scheme
The Clerk reported that the planned trees were being planted by a contractor later this month.

9.To consider the purchase of speed limit stickers for wheelie bins
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to purchase 100 x 30mph stickers that residents could request for use on their wheelie bins.

10.To report on any updates concerning the pavement at the corner of Station Road and High Street.
Cllr Thompson had reported on this matter during the public forum.

11.To report on any updates to the installation of new equipment on the Play Area
Cllr Carter was continuing to chase the contractor for detailed plans of the layout that included suitable space for future development of the play area.

12.To consider any plans to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Draft plans had been circulated and included:
- spring cleaning
- planters to be planted with red, white and blue flowers
- virtual knitting club (already started)
- ‘crowns’ for lampposts
- advertising flyers
- bunting
- jubilee ‘medals/coins’ for children
- street party for school children, including a photographer
- wildflower seeds for the Play Area
- flags
- possible plans for 5th June to include ribbon cutting for new play equipment, tree planting, renaming the play area, jubilee pudding tasting, school choir, tug of war
- possible plans for spring and summer to include: development of the games area, sowing wild seeds with primary school children, creating the nature reserve, fitness trail, supporting children to make bug houses for the churchyard and playing field.

The spring clean was planned for 3rd April to include, litter picking if necessary, cleaning signs and refinishing benches.

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to spend up to £100 on materials for a resident to make crowns for lamp posts.
Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to spend up to £200 on ‘medals/coins’ for the children and additional items for the jubilee including bunting.  Bunting would be placed on key buildings on 3rd June.

Cllr Marris would obtain rope for the tug of war.  Cllr Beales would look at identifying teams.                                                                                                   ACTION: Cllrs Marris and Beales
Cllr Lloyd had sent in details of options for the purchase of trees.  Following a discussion it was agreed to obtain container grown trees.  Cllr Marris would obtain quotes and collect trees to save on delivery costs.  Following a vote it was resolved unanimously to spend up to £1,000 on trees.                                                                                               ACTION: Cllr Marris

13.To consider the Parliamentary Boundary Review 2023
The Council felt unable to comment at this point in the process.

14.Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.
No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.
Cllr Lloyd had offered to contact Eibe regarding the repairs to play equipment.  He was also talking to the Footpath Officer to change a stile to a gate at the entrance to the footpath behind the Village Hall.
Cllr Longson reported that the bench that needed fixing to the ground should be fixed this week.
Cllr Carter reported that the school were happy to do a joint Remembrance Service in 2022.  She also reported that the School Council was busy with preparations for the Queen’s Jubilee.

To note correspondence received


Received From




Response re speed limit stickers on wheelie bins



Road closures Pacey Close Dates for works are between 14th March and 17th March 2022
Newton Close dates for works are 16th March to 18th March 2022


HM Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire

Queen’s Jubilee - The Big Lunch 5th June



ADSO/LLG Petition for Remote Meetings



HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Newsletter

16.Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 14th March 2022

Meeting closed at 8.55pm

Signed…………………………………………       Date……………………………..